

Best Answer would give 32 per subnet

or for ex. leaving 5 bits or 2-5th power =32

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Q: A company is planning to subnet its network for a maximum of 27 host .which subnet mask would provide the needed hosts and leave the fewest unused addresses in each subnet?
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One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.

Maximum number of hosts class c Address?

254 - a class C subnet uses 8 bits for the hosts and 0 and 255 are reserved.

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Layer 3 network addresses are logical addresses and can be easily changed by software.