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A steppe

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Q: A grassland plain or prairie without any trees is an example of which type of landform?
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A grassland prairie or plain without any trees is an example of which type of landform?


A steppe is another name for a?

An exsensive plain, esp. one without trees.

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Are grassland habitats dangerous?

Grassland habitats can be extremely dangerous, tigers, snakes, killer rats and drop koalas are prominent, it all depends on where the grassland is. there is no exact answer without a area pinpointed, but in general yes they can be be dangerous.

What is the importance of landform?

Without landforms humans and animals would have to swim because there is no land.

Which characteristic of grasses allows them to withstand the high winds of grassland environments without breaking?

flexible stems

Can a prairie dog live by itself without other prairie dogs?

For awhile. But it would lack any social contact, and would eventually have to return to a group if it wanted to mate.

A wide area of grainland whithout trees?

A wide area of grainland without trees is a prairie.

How can you read Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder without paying?

There is a link to a site where you can read the books online:

Can you start a sentence with the word without?

Of course! Example: "Without food we cannot eat!" Another Example: "Without no doubt,"

How could people know whether they were on a plain or on a plateau without being told?

The landform plateau is by definition "elevated." If they could not see other land that was lower, they would have to walk to the edge of the plateau.

An example of a metophor?

a simile without like or as