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Simply put: Islam was developed first.

Not so Simply: Technically Islam formed before Christianity dating back to Abraham(2050-2000 B.C.. One of the major splitting points for Islam is when Abraham gave the blessing to Isaac(younger Son from sarah) instead of Ishmael( First son of Hagar, Sarah's housemaid). Muslims see Ishmael as a Prophet. The Islamic people believe it was to Ishmael that God called upon sacrifice instead of Isaac. Ishmael had 12 sons that grew into 12 tribes. Many see Ishmael as the patriarch of the Arab People. Christianity is formed by Christ's teachings ( anywhere from 33 B.C.- 33 A.D. due to historical error) and his death and resurrection. Muslims see Christ as another prophet, yet not the Son of God. The Jewish Community do not accept Christ as the son of God and savior. Christians believe Christ is the Son of God and Savior.

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Q: A list Of two Monotheistic Religions that you have studied Christianity and Islam in the order they developed?
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