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monopolistic competition

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Q: A market structure in which there are many firms selling products that are similar but not identical is known as?
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Monopolistically competitive firms are typically characterized by?

many firms selling products that are similar, but not identical.

What is a market structure in which companies sell products that are similar but not identical called?

monopolistic competition

What is a market structure in which many companies sell products that are similar but not identical?

monopolistic competition

What is a market structure in which many companies sell products that are similar but not identical called?

monopolistic competition

Is structure and identical similar?


What type of market structure is subway?

Subway's market structure is a monopolistic competition. Subway competes in its industry in terms of similar price points for its products along with having similar products.

What is the difference between isomorph and homomorph?

Isomorphs are problems with the same underlying structure but have different details where as homomorphs are problems that are similar but don't have an identical structure.

What is meant by the term a competitive market?

there are many producers selling the same products at similar prices.

Do identical twins have identical brains?

No they do not. Identical twins have identical DNA structure, and therefore they have very similar cell structure, leading them to have vastly similar organs (same size, health issues, etc.). However, everyone, even identical twins, do not share the exact same organs. Some identical twins get migraines, while the other doesn't. In some cases, one twin will be homosexual and the other heterosexual. In any case, by nature, identical twins do not have identical brains, and by nurture they experience different things, learn different things, and process information in different ways, resulting in the twins having differing opinions, etc. No two brains are exactly alike.

What is the trade industry?

Trade industries are firms that offer similar products or services in a particular market. They are specialized in?æ buying and selling products in a particular field.

Why identical twins are similar?

If they were not then they would not be called identical twins!

What is one way in which identical and fraternal similar?

Identical and fraternal twins typically share many similar characteristics