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Actin and myosin are proteins. They are responsible for muscle movement and a variety of movements of non muscle cells. For more information visit

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Q: Actin and myosin are what type of biological molecule?
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Only type of tissue that can contract?

The only Biological tissue that is able to contract is MUSCLE tissue and this is because of the specialized proteins: actin and myosin that slide across each other.

What is the primary type of macromolecule in the actin and myosin that make up muscle cells?


Are actin and myosin structural proteins?

In addition to providing structural support, actin filaments are involved in movement when they interact with the specialized protein myosin. Myosin is a motor protein that converts the chemical energy in ATP into the mechanical work of movement. The interaction between actin and myosin that produces movement: When ATP binds to themyosin and is then hydrolyzed to ADP, the "head" region of the myosin molecule binds to the actin filament on the slide. The movement of this protein causes the ctin filament to slide. This type of movement is analogous to a line of people who are passing along a long log or pole, the people are myosin molecules; the log is the is the actin.

Most muscles contain?

Muscle fibres contain two myofilaments called actin and myosin

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What are muscles in the human body?

Muscles are a type of tissue containing contractile proteins, known as actin and myosin, which are able to pull on bones to create movement by contracting.

What type of compound is catalase?

biological molecule

What type of cellular respiration causes muscle contraction?

Aerobic cellular respiration produces energy for muscle contraction but this is not what causes the contractions. The binding properties between the proteins actin and myosin are what give muscles the ability to contract.

What type of basic biological molecule does the body absorb?

First of all what is a biological molecule? Its a group of substances that make up and helps with proper functioning of a living organism. There are several different types of biological molecules: - Carbohydrates - Proteins - Salts - Lipids -etc.

What type of of muscle is found only in the heart?

Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Cardiac muscle contains the proteins actin and myosin. All the other muscles are smooth or skeletal.

What type of molecule is made from amino acids and acts as a biological catalyst?

Molecules that act as catalysts in biological systems are enzymes. Enzyme catalyze chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy.

Which type of filament is myosin composed of?

Myofilaments Actin, which constitutes about 25 percent of the protein of myofilaments, is the major component of the thin filaments in muscle (per Encyclopedia Britannica Online). Microfilaments Microfilaments or actin filaments are the thinnest filaments of the cytoskeleton found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells (per Wikipedia Microfilament).