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knowledge base system save time,cost and effort.

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Q: Advantages of a knowledge based system?
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What is a Knowledge-Based System?

A Knowledge-Based system is one that uses knowledge, reason and logic to solve sometimes complex problems. It is written as a computer program for a system.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Knowledge Work System?

An advantage of a knowledge work system is the ability to leverage that knowledge against your competitors. A disadvantage is the fact that the knowledge workers can leave your organization at any time.

What is a knowledge system?

A Knowledge-Based system is one that uses knowledge, reason and logic to solve sometimes complex problems. It is written as a computer program for a system.

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oh you know Xp

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Components of knowledge based system in AI?

components of knowledge are:- 1.Input/output unit. 2.Inference control unit. 3.Knowledge base.

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The advantages of downloading the main program into a microprocessor based system can be it can cause the system to run efficiently and the main program will be able to be easily accessed through the microprocessor system. Disadvantages can be due to errors they can happen due to system failure.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of knowledge management systems?

A knowledge management system can be useful in many different ways or strategies and practices. It is commonly used successfully in the Information Technology field and human resource management.