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Advantages of Inheritance

1) Code Re-usability

2) consumes less time

3) Without changing the super class we can add some more methods in the super class by inheriting it in the derived class

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12y ago

the advantage of single inheritance is code reusability, as one class can inherit the features of another other class.

Presumably, the larger questions around the advantages of Object-Oriented Programming are not part of this question. Please look at other question for a proper answer as to Object Oriented Programming's benefits.

The implicit part of this question is "...over multiple inheritance", as there are really only two designs for OOP.

Single inheritance's (SI) major advantages over multiple inheritance (MI) boils down to a single word: simplicity. Object inheritance trees are much simpler and clearer, as the ancestry of an object is a single path; simplicity in the design of the compiler/virtual machine, as the references to overridden methods are trivial to decode; and simplicity in the language itself, as no additional language structures are needed to clarify inheritance trees.

Overall, single inheritance languages tend to be smaller, more compact, faster, easier to code in, and simpler to implement than their multiple inheritance cousins.

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12y ago

Some advantages are:

a. The child class comfortably extends all behavior from its parent class

b. There is no confusion about who the parent class of this class in the inheritance hierarchy

c. All public features of the parent are available at the child's disposal

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With inheritance, we will be able to override the methods of the base class so that meaningful implementation of the base class method can be designed in the derived class.

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it minimizes the amount of duplicate code in an application

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Q: Benefits of inheritance in Java programming?
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