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The use of agricultural subsidies is widespread in the Caribbean. The objectives are: to encourage adoption of improved agricultural practices for increasing agricultural production and conservation of Natural Resources. The subsidies are provided in the form of cash, production inputs and, more recently, as rebates on income taxes. There are many rather small cash and other incentives. Farmers do not perceive these as incentives to practice adoption but rather as snippets of assistance or dole provided by governments to farmers. This perception, plus the disproportionate amount of energy and time small farmers must exert in order to obtain these small subsidies can create in them feelings of irritation and frustration. As a result they tend to perceive these small subsidies as needed nuisances, more bane than boon. Caribbean farmers are market oriented and respond to meaningful monetary incentives. Given a choice they would prefer to have an assured market and a "reasonable" price for their farm produce or the availability at reduced prices of production of marketable produce.

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Q: Agricultural subsidies-a boon or a bane?
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Is money boon or bane?

It depends on how you manage money.Greed for more money is a bane where as if one uses money carefully without a affinity for it, it can be the best thing one can have to fulfill what he really needs.

Is consumerism boon or bane?

consumerism is a bane, people are succumbing to more desire/wants and in the process to earn more to satisfy their wants people are comiiiting crime, corruption, immoral life all negative thoughts

Is industrialisation a boon or a bane?

we can say that industrialisation is a boon to the modern industrialists,engineers and the rest modern people,because it made life easier for them even from cleaning house to heavy industrial activities we are having machines.It saves the precious time and effort of the human and makes him to do his work easier within short period of time ,thus saving time for the further activities ,innovations and inventions ,Even though industrialisation is good most of the people are not taking it in the right way ,as it reduces the effort of the humans it builds up lazyness , as the industrialisation was rapid there was a large scale cutting off forest to build up factories ,and to get raw materials,thus the industrialisation is a boon as well as bane.

Is Logan county agricultural or industrial?

Agricultural. Tobacco is plentiful.

What is agricultural productivity?

It is measured as the ratio of agricultural outputs to agricultural inputs. While individual products are usually measured by weight, their varying densities make measuring overall agricultural output difficult.