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American civil war

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Q: American armed conflicted in which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?
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American armed conflict in which troops wore flat caps called kepis?

It was the American Civil War where American troops wore flat caps called kepis.

American armed conflict in which troops on both sides wore caps called kepis?

American civil war

What was the American armed conflict on which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

They were called the Cats

What was the American armed conflict in which both troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

They were called the Cats

What is the American armed conflict in which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepas?

civil war

What American armed conflict in which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

America 's Civil War

In what American armed conflict did troops on both sides wear flat caps called kepis?

During the American Civil War many soldier wore kepis.

In what American armed conflict did troops on both sides wear flat caps?

American Civil War

President Polk's claim that American blood had been shed on the American soil referred to news of an armed clash between Mexican and American troops near?

President Polk's claim that American blood had been shed on the American soil referred to news of an armed clash between Mexican and American troops near the Rio Grande.

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George Washington called out the troops to put down the whiskey rebellion.

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There are 32,500 armed troops.

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The American Expeditionary Forces or AEF were the United States Armed Forces sent to Europe in World War I.