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all of the above

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Q: American democracy each individual is considered to?
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Do you There is a relationship between the importance placed on the individual and the development of democracy?

Yes. That is exactly what democracy is. AN individual has the change to make changes by voting and each vote counts.

What is individual worth to the Judeo-Christians?

Each person is considered a child of God so treat each person accordingly.

What are the advantages of demoarcy?

An advantage of democracy is that each individual has the power to elect their own leaders. It also is an easy way to change power through elections.

What instruments would be considered dinning?

Any individual instrument is usually not considered dinning. It is considered dinning when multiple instruments play together and do not harmonize with each other.

What are the 5 basic concepts of democracy?

The five concepts of democracy are outlined below.1. Worth of the Individual: Democracy serves many of the different and distinct individuals that reside in the governed land.2. Equality of All Persons: In democracy all are equal meaning that it does not matter what race, gender, color, religion, etc., an individual is. Each individual is entitled to equal opportunity and equality before law.3. Majority Rule, Minority Rights: In democracy the will of the people is determined by popular vote meaning majority rules, but it does not mean the majority is correct. Sometimes the minority is correct thus allowing for democracy is a trial and error process.4. Necessity of Compromise: A process in which democracy achieves majority or public agreement rather than completely terminating an idea or thought.5. Individual Freedom: All individual are given individual freedom as long as it does not interfere or harm the others, majority will.

Do the 50 states in the US American had individual flag?

Yes, each state has its own flag.

Is greek mythology considered a folktale?

It is considered folklore. All of Greek mythology isn't contained in one folktale, but the individual myths are each a folktale.

Which concept argues that true and free political discourse requires a forum for free and unrestrained political discussion?

This is a concept of democracy. A true democracy allows each individual to place a vote and bring up their minds without having any consequences.

What are the 5 criteria for democracy?

The five concepts of democracy are outlined below.1. Worth of the Individual: Democracy serves many of the different and distinct individuals that reside in the governed land.2. Equality of All Persons: In democracy all are equal meaning that it does not matter what race, gender, color, religion, etc., an individual is. Each individual is entitled to equal opportunity and equality before law.3. Majority Rule, Minority Rights: In democracy the will of the people is determined by popular vote meaning majority rules, but it does not mean the majority is correct. Sometimes the minority is correct thus allowing for democracy is a trial and error process.4. Necessity of Compromise: A process in which democracy achieves majority or public agreement rather than completely terminating an idea or thought.5. Individual Freedom: All individual are given individual freedom as long as it does not interfere or harm the others, majority will.1.Fundamental worth of individuals.2.Equality of ALL individuals.3.Majority Rule & Minority Rights.4.Necessity of compromise.5.Individual freedom.

How do you write a acrostics poem for democracy?

To write an acrostic poem for democracy, start by writing the word "DEMOCRACY" vertically down the page. Then, for each letter, write a line that describes a key aspect or value associated with democracy. Ensure that each line starts with the corresponding letter of "DEMOCRACY." Be creative and expressive in your writing to capture the essence of democracy in each line.

Which of these is an important conclusion Henry David Thoreau draws at the end of Resistance to Civil Government?

That the government does not value each American's individual power.

How did greek city state apply democracy how did they limit democracy?

they helped each other