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No, and for obvious reasons. A car has a body to protect you in case of an accident. A car has seat belts to use to prevent further travel in case of an accident. A motorcycle has none of these safety features. Define safe. Bikes have superior acceleration, handling and far superior braking than cars. Motorcycles are less forgiving of mistakes than cars. Being a pedestrian or a child or pensioner by a roadway is far more dangerous than being a motorcyclist. Motorcyclists are more accomplished than car drivers, they have no metal box or sundry gadgets to make them complacent. There are more motorcyclists who also drive cars than there are car drivers who also ride motorcycles. Motorcyclists who drive cars are significantly more hazard aware than car drivers who have never ridden. Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to the selfishness and blinkered skill of car drivers than are other car drivers.

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Q: Are Motorcycles as safe as cars?
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No. Motorcycles are dangerous than cars.

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motercycles are cool but NT safe i would recomend cars cause in moters no protection are required

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"All motorcycles carry the same risks, you need to wear protective gear and practice safe driving to stay safe. Motorcycles are just like cars and not only do you need to watch out for yurself but you need to watchout for other drivers as well."

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Are cars dangerous than motorcycles?

No. However, cars have plenty of safety features also drivers of cars have lots of more protection than motorcycles. Motorcycles do not have safety features, just only helmets but however that motorcycles can really easily fall over but not cars. Cars can't fall over.

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It should be ---- Cars are expensive; motorcycles are dangerous.

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Yes, the majority of motorcycles are less expensive than cars.

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Cars are four wheeler with proper protection like seat belt while motorcycles are bi-wheeler with less protection like riders are compel to wear safety jackets, gloves and boots. Car drivers are more safe as compared to motorcycle riders.

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Do cars have safety features?

Yes, cars have lots of safety features but motorcycles don't.

Can cars out run motorbikes?

For the most part, no. Motorcycles tend to be faster than cars.