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No, they are call Blue Doberman Pinschers. Just like when you see grey or grey and white Pit Bull Terriers, those aren't called 'grey' but Blue or Blue-nosed.

Dobermans typically come in three colors: Black- that is most commonly seen, Red- which is a brown color with a tiny hint of red or mahogany, and then you have the Blue- which is usually grey or sometimes white in color

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Q: Are albino Dobermans really albino
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How much are albino Dobermans worth?

Although they may look unique and unusual, albino Dobermanns are actually shunned in showing and are banned from most serious events. Many breeders of Dobermanns never mate albino Dobermanns as the resulting albino puppies will have a weakened immune system, impaired vision, deafness/impaired hearing and are particulary susceptible to sunburn and skin damage. For these reasons, albino Dobermanns are generally not sold for as much as normal Dobermanns.

Is it a normal thing for albino people?

I don't think its normal for people to be albino my friend is really white like albino and she can't be in the sun because it stings her Lila

How people are albino?

There are many albino people in the world. I have personally met 2. They are very nice. I am really not sure how many people in the world are albino but it would be interesting to find out.

What thoso Albino mean?

Albino means missing all pigmentation. Hair will be white, skin will be really pale, eyes will be red.

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Are there really albino dolphins?

Yes there are . They isn't many of them, but they do exist

Are there really white moose?

yes. they are called albino moose.

Do Dobermans like kids?

yes dobermans are very good with kids , but i cant say that because dobermans can be mean , but you just have to train them to and by the way this isn't the best answer.

Who called dobermans dobermans?

You mean Doberman Pinschers? Roderick Doberman, a Dog Breeder.

Albino Corydoras do they fight?

No not really, they prefer to live in groups. Around six.

Can you have two male Dobermans?

Yes. The most successful pair are two Dobermans from this same litter.

Where can you go to get an albino rabbit?

Any pet store, really. It depends on the timing though. You can always leave your number and have them call you once they get in a new litter of albino bunnies.