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Q: Are anti arrhythmia drugs metabolized mostly in the liver or kidneys?
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Is It True That Most Drugs Are Eliminated By The Kidneys In Urine Although Some Are Excreted In Saliva Sweat Or Exhalation?

Most drugs are either excreted in the urine (via the kidneys) - particularly if they are very water soluble - or sometimes metabolized - mostly in the liver.

Where most drugs are broken down?

Most drugs are excreted in the kidneys or filtered through the liver. You can find drugs in your bloodstream and your urine. Sometimes it is excreted through the sweat.

Are intravenous drugs metabolized?

Most are, the vast majority of drugs being broken down by the liver. Some (e.g. lithium carbonate) however are simply excreted without modification though the kidneys.

What was the name of the drugs that killed Elvis Presley?

There were many drugs in this one drug called Cardiac Arrhythmia.

Is the drug distribution site where a drug is metabolized to different components?

Yes. Most of the drugs are metabolized by the liver, as the liver is the organ for metabolism.

How long does testim stay in your body?

It is fat-soluble, so it stays much longer than other drugs based on that. On the other hand it is a drug that can be metabolized depending on the person's metabolic rate. Steroid use can slowly damage the kidneys.

What drugs can cure heart arrythmia?

There are no drugs that can cure heart arrhythmia, but there are many that can treat it. Some of the drugs used to treat it are Rythmol, Tikosyn, Xylocaine, and Betapace.

Do drugs show up longer in blood or urine?

Drugs show up in urine longer than in blood. When ingested, the drugs are metabolized and to complete the circuit through the liver and kidneys and then excreted. The process of elimination is longer than the time to circulate the blood.

Can an excess of diuretic drugs cause damage to kidneys?

diuretic drugs

Will highly protein-bound drugs be metabolized quickly?

If a medication is protein-bound (i.e. albumin), they are not available for metabolism. Therefore, the more the drug is bound to protein, the less is metabolized.

How are drugs filtered through the kidneys?

Elimination is the process by which a drug is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

How does the kinetics of alcohol metabolism differ from that of other drugs?

alchol is metabolized before real food