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Toxicity of the herbaceous flowering perennial known as a "carnation" (genus Dianthus).

  • Leaves and stem contain triterpenoid saponins which, when ingested, cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain as well as nervous disorders.
  • Skin irritation (contact dermatitis) may occur upon exposure to the stem & leaves.
  • For humans, the plant has a low level of toxicity, so it would take large quantities to be symptomatic, and it is considered nonfatal.
  • It should be considered toxic to household pets. If ingested by a pet, contact the local veterinarian of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.
  • However, the Culinary Cafe's Edible Flower Listindicates that the petals of the flower are safe to eat and may be added to salads, soups, and used as garnish.
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Q: Are any parts of a carnation poisonous to humans?
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