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No it doe not. You have to watch what you eat.

No, but it will work out those ab muscles. However, those nice abs are covered by a layer of fat and that is what you're trying to get rid of. Changing your eating habits first would be a good first step.

Crunches will only strengthen the muscles within the belly area. Even if you do 100s of crunches everyday and don't pick the right food to eat, those fats won't go away.

Hence, a combination of a good healthy diet and exercise will do burn belly fat. So, how are going to choose your food? Stay away from overeating fatty foods, it's alright to eat fats but don't eat too much of it and don't do it often. Healthy fats such as Omega 3 found in fish are are good.

Eat fruits and drink good amount of water daily. Don't let yourself hungry and craving for foods.

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8y ago

Crunches do NOT burn belly fat. While doing crunches you work-out your abs and make them stronger. To do burn belly fat you have to do cardio work-outs like jogging and jump-rope.

Ironically, crunches alone may make your waistline appear thicker: you'll be building up the muscles underneath fat, while barely making a dent in the fat itself.

If you're prone to belly fat, the only way to make it go away is the time-honored (and willpower-intensive) method of eating less and exercising more. Other than surgery, there are no shortcuts.

The best way to lose body fat is through a low carbohydrate diet, cardio exercise, and weight/strength training.

See the page links in the question above this one for in-depth information about how to lose belly fat.

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12y ago

You may think that doing crunches is the best exercise for belly fat, but it is not. Crunches build stomach muscles. Cardio is good for losing belly fat, but the fastest is resistance exercises.

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8y ago


In addition to the answer given beneath this one, for in-depth information about how to lose belly fat, what foods to eat and what foods to avoid, how to stop the fat from returning, and for the free charts, plans, lists, and exercises to enable you to achieve your goal, see the related questions and answers given below.

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14y ago

It depends on how many crunches you do each day, as long as you keep them up they should make a difference.

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9y ago

Crunches are useful for many different things. They can help decrease stomach flab, but only if they are used with other exercises that work the entire core region.

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12y ago

yes they do but if it isn't working for you then lay down, put your legs verticle up against a wall and do them. it works better for me

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14y ago

crunches only tone after you burn the excess fat off of your stomach

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Q: Are crunches the best exercise for belly fat?
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Is the flex belt effective for belly fat?

This device has no known beneficial results. The best belly buster is diet and exercise, such as crunches.

How fast do crunches burn the fat in your belly?

Crunches by themselves will not burn off belly fat. They will however strengthen and tone the muscles. A much more efficient way of burning off belly fat is diet and whole body exercise.

What is the best exercise to get rid of belly fat?

Crunches are the best way to help rid belly fat. Not only should you do traditional crunches, but you should also target your lower abs and oblique's, which can be achieved through side crunches and bicycles.

What is the best way to learn how to loose belly fat?

You can go to a gym and work with a personal trainer. They are sure to get you on the right track. If you want to exercise at home you can do simple exercise routines like crunches.

How do you exercise belly fat?

You can exercise your abs/belly muscles by doing sit-ups and crunches. Don't expect it to be a quick fix though, short of liposuction there's no way to target where to lose fat. a little will go from all over.

What type of exercise would help in reducing belly fat in women?

Abdominal exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and other abdomen working routines will help you blast your belly fat. Exercise your other muscles too so that you can increase your overall metabolism to prevent fat from returning.

How can i burn belly fat?

Altering your diet to lowfat foods and aerobic exercise is the only proven safe way to reduce fat. Crunches and strenghth training will also contribute if done is association with the change in diet and other exercise.

How can I burn belly fat fast?

Altering your diet to lowfat foods and aerobic exercise is the only proven safe way to reduce fat. Crunches and strenghth training will also contribute if done is association with the change in diet and other exercise.

What is a quick way to get rid of belly fat?

There is no fast way to get rid of belly fat. The best thing to do is eat right and get plenty of exercise.

What is belly Fitness Does it keep me fit?

Belly Fitness is Fitness of the belly. It helps reduce weight and collected fat around the midsection with exercises such as crunches, sit ups, squats. It also incorporates such aerobics as dancing, stretching and cardiovascular exercise.

Using Aerobic Exercise to Lose Belly Fat ?

Out of all the complaints people have about their bodies, belly fat is one of the most commonly cited. Fat tends to accumulate in specific places on the human body, typically targeting the buttocks or abdominal region. Many people use targeted exercise, such as crunches, to help lose belly fat. In addition to this localized exercise, abdominal trainers frequently recommend aerobic exercise to help eliminate stomach fat. Scientific research indicates that raising the heart rate for at least thirty minutes three times a week can help reduce current belly fat, as well as the formation of future fat stores.

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To rid yourself of belly fat, begin with a healthy, low-fat diet. Get some form of cardiovascular exercise each day, such as walking and running. Do belly-toning exercises, such as crunches, to tighten the abdominal muscles.