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Regardless of where you live, certain accommodations can and should be made for disabled persons who are part of a condominium- or homeowners-association community. Both Federal and state laws apply.

(Your governing documents may or may not address this issue. If they are 'silent' then local laws apply.)

The level of allowance, however, will vary and could be problematic. For example:

  • Parking may be the most enforceable allowance; your board and association manager can help you if this is your exception.
  • Ramp access over a stairwell or steps may require review by the architectural committee, personal funding and a requirement that the ramp be dismantled should you sell or move.

Reasonable accommodation is generally available if you work through whatever process is dictated by your governing documents. Other 'exceptions to policies' must be taken on a case-by-case basis. If you want lower assessments because you are disabled, you may champion that exception with any success.

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Q: Are disabled persons allowed reasonable exceptions to policies formed by Home Owners Associations in CA?
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