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Most of the time, yes. However, some bacteria may be parasites or producers.

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Q: Are fungi bacteria and termites classified as a decomposer?
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Is a cocoutn tree a decomposer?

Nope, coconut tree isn't a decomposer. Fungi and Bacteria are the only decomposer in this world. Scavengers such as termites help to make decomposing faster so they are not decomposers too.

What kingdom is decomposer bacteria in?

Decomposer bacteria is in the kingdom Eubacteria.

What decomposer lives in Africa?

There are several kinds of decomposers that live in Africa. A few are termites, earthworms, insects, fungi, and bacteria.

Examples of a decomposer?

bacteria, worms and fungi.

What is an example of decomposer?

An example of a decomposer is bacteria; another is fungi.

What do decomposers include?

Fungi, like mushrooms. Termites, Earthworms.

Is bacteria a decomposer in the ocean?

Bacteria is a decomposer in the ocean. They break down the final remains of living things. Fungi is also a decomposer in the ocean.

What is a specific decomposer in the tropical Savannah?

Decomposers found in savannahs include different types of bacteria and fungi. Other decomposers include worms and different insects, such as beetles and termites.

What is a decomposer in a fresh water biome?

fungi and bacteria

What is example of decomposer in the Rain forest?

Fungi and bacteria

List what animals are a decomposer?

worms fungi bacteria

Is bacteria a decomposer?

Yes, bacteria is a decomposer. Any remains of a dead animal ( the died body) not eaten yet by a consumer, is broken down by bacteria ( the decomposer) and fungi that live in the soil.Yes, bacteria is a decomposer because it eats wastes.