

Are grasslands good for the environment?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Are grasslands good for the environment?
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green grass

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=they are meadows,woods,forests,thickets and grasslands==they are meadows,woods,forests,thickets and grasslands=

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a giraffe lives in the grasslands

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Bison like cool grasslands.

Is a BIOTIC factor in a grassland environment This is an example of the bees?

Yes. The biotic factor is what makes grasslands grasslands: grasses and the animals that graze them are biotic factors. Bees are also biotic factors of grasslands.

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Cacti live in the desert, grasslands and even in the rain forest.

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a grasslands soil is good for farming because it has no guantity of big or has rich soil

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the tiger liven on grasslands and on tall grass

How do animals adapt to the temperate grasslands?

Yes. All animals adapt - so do the ones in the temperate grasslands. It's called "maintaining homeostasis (a stable internal environment)"

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weed and farming