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No They are completely unrelated, however some can be comorbid; existing together. For example, schizaffective disorder is a combination of schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder. Comment on Comorbidity of Conditions with Autism and Asperger's SyndromeSeveral studies show that about 40% of people with autism or Asperger's Syndrome have one or more mental disorders, and others indicate 65%. Two studies indicate that almost 30% of people with autism or Asperger's Syndrome have a form of bipolar disorder. Some websites refer to a high correlation between autism and borderline personality disorder, but do not give a percent, whereas other websites claim that people with autism are misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder because of similarity of symptoms, despite a difference in motives, feelings, and thoughts. For more information on conditions that are comorbid with autism spectrum disorders, use the link for The National Autistic Society (UK): Mental health and Asperger syndrome.

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Q: Are manic depression and borderline personality disorder and sociopathic disorder and autism and Asperger's Syndrome all the same illness in different parts of the spectrum?
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Do persons with Asperger's Disorder have sociopathic tendencies?

no , unless they have a mental disorder witch is unrelated to the aspergers

I don't have all of the symptoms of Aspergers. I have a nephew with Autism. Is it possible not to have all the symptoms of Aspergers and still have the condition?

Each person who has aspergers has a different personality, and aspergers manifests itself differently in different persons. So, probably, no one who has aspergers has all the symptoms, because the combination is different in each individual.

Can people with Aspergers Syndrome also have symptoms of Tourette Syndrome?

Yes they can. People with Asperger's shockingly and usu. have a combination such as having Aspergers and OCD, or ADD, depression, anxiety, and Tourettes. In some cases developing schizophrenia can occur.

What is profound Aspergers?

It is a more severe version of aspergers

Is aspergers syndrome and asburgers syndrome the same thing?

Close, asburgeres sounds similar to aspergers. Asburgeres specifically does not exist but aspergers does. Other names for aspergers is asperger(s) syndrome and autistic psychopathy which is the original name for aspergers.

What if your wife has Asperger's Syndrome?

If your wife has Asperger's there is nothing you need to worry about. Aspergers has no cure and is reletively mild on the autistic scale. Aspergers may include things such as OCD, depression, anxiety, besides the traits that mark Aspergers such as having certain almost obessive interests and generally not being very talkative. If you are however concerned such as the possibility of having a child, the odds of the child developing Aspergers is around 80% from what I've read. In most cases from what I've seen and experienced (I have Aspergers) people with Aspergers are fine and prefer to ignore the fact they have it and try to live a normal life. The best thing you can do is treat her to things she likes and not bring the issue up (not unless she has an interest with it :p).

What are the complications for a person with asperger's syndrome?

Someone with Asperger's might have a hard time interacting with people around them and can feel isolated from other people. Another sign that a person might have aspergers is that they can be slow at time. Also aspergers can effect everyday life situations such as work and school

Is aspergers a mentall illness?

Aspergers is not a mentall illness it is not a diesease you can,t catch aspergers by being around someone with aspergers. People with aspergers are born with it. Although aspergers affects the way people think and veiw the world it is not a diesese. Recent aspergers studies have shown that in brains of people with aspergers there is a difference in the way the brain is wired and set up. and there have also been studies of aspergers brain waves and it showed the brain waves of people with aspergers differed from nerotypical brain waves. Just because people with aspergers think differently does not make them mentally ill there is a huge difference between the two.

When was Aspergers Society of Ontario created?

Aspergers Society of Ontario was created in 2000.

What is asperger's sickness?

I dont know that Aspergers is a sickness. It is said usually that someone is "gifted" with Asperger. That means it is a blessing. Many Aspergers say that they wouldnt trade Aspergers with a neurotypical life. I dont think Aspergers is a sickness.

Why is it relieving to find out you have Asperger's Syndrome?

If you have Aspergers, you have probably usually been the odd one out. Many other people have thought you were strange, and as a result, you have probably been lonely.There may have been aspects of your own personality that frustrated you. You may have wondered "Why am I like this?" If you find out you have Aspergers, things suddenly make sense. You have an answer. You can be accepting of yourself. It is a relief.

I tend to do physical harm to myself when im fustrated is that a symptom of aspergers?

People with Asperger's suffer from severe depression, but it affects them in different ways. You need to see a therapist to find out if you REALLY have Asperger's