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Interesting question, generally they can, in "layman" terms. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that undergo intense heat and pressure through either REGIONAL or CONTACT metamorphism. Regional - high pressure low temperature - environments eg within a mountain range. Contact - as it implies "contact" , hot magma comes in contact with surrounding rocks and is in an area of high temperature and low pressure eg; below volcanoes or around plutons (magma pockets or buldges in rocks )

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Q: Are metamorphic rocks formed by warped crust?
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Are metamorphic rocks formed in the earth's crust?


Where do metomorphic rocks form?

metamorphic rocks are formed in earths crust not on the surface

Does exposure to air help metamorphic rocks form?

No metamorphic rocks are formed deep in the crust under great temperature and pressure. No air is down there.

Metamorphic rocks can only be formed from?

Well, metamorphic rocks can be formed from sedimentary rock OR igneous rock OR other metamorphic rock that has been pushed far beneath the crust of the earth.

What effects are metamorphic rocks formed by?

The high pressure and high temperature inside the earths crust

Are metamorphic rocks naturally formed?

Metamorphic rocks are naturally formed. they are formed from natural changes that happen to other rocks.

Are metamorphic rocks only formed by igneous rocks?

No. Metamorphic rocks can also from front sedimentary rocks and from other metamorphic rocks.

What rocks are formed by the effect of heat and pressure on other rocks?

the metamorphic rocks are formed by heat and extreme pressure from other rocks

What part of the rock cycle occur deep in earths crust?

The formation of intrusive igneous and metamorphic rocks.

What is rock that is changed by heat pressure or chemical change?

Metamorphic rocks have been changed by heat or pressure. This can be a change in size, shape, or arrangement of minerals.

What percentage of the earth's crust is metamorphic rock?

Metamorphic rocks are created from intense heat and pressure being applied to an existing rock. The existing rock is called the protolith. They can also be formed from lava being poured over the top of the earth's surface, where rocks lay underneath. Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of our earths crust. It is around 40-60% of the earts crust.

How are oceanic crust and continental crust similar?

They both behave as brittle solids and are both formed of a mixture of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.