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Americans are nearly evenly split among liberal and conservative points of view. Most people lean more towards the middle than the extremes of either view point.

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Q: Are most Americans liberals conservatives middle of the road or are all of these groups about equal in number?
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What are the values of Liberals Conservatives and NDP in Canada?

Liberals are for the middle class. Conservatives are for the rich. NDP are for the poor.

Are most American liberals conservatives middle of the road or all of these groups about equal in number?

Americans are nearly evenly split among liberal and conservative points of view. Most people lean more towards the middle than the extremes of either view point.

Why in America are Liberals seen as dangerous radicals whilst in Europe they are viewed as being fairly mild and middle of the road?

Because in Europe, Liberals far outnumber Conservatives, so Liberal is very close to the average person's opinion, so it is (accurately) perceived as "middle of the road" in tha place. In the U.S., About half the population is Liberal and half Conservative, so Liberals are seen as having a position that is not so near the "middle of the road."

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Liberals were sometimes called "bourgeois liberals" because they spoke mostly for the middle class.

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Some Americans move to the Middle East because they are really tired of liberals ruining their life. Yet, they want to find a place where they would hold on strongly with their religious beliefs.

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What are the Beliefs of liberals?

Liberals generally believe in more government involvement in our lives. For example they are for entitlement programs such as welfare, and social security. They also believe that things like abortion, and gay marriage should be legal. Primarily most middle and lower class people are liberal, because liberals are for usually for helping "Main Street America." However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, some conservatives are for Main Street, and some upper class citizens are identified as liberals.

Liberals were sometimes called bourgeois liberals because they spoke mostly for the which class?

middle class

Was Winston Churchill a democrat or Republican?

In Britain we have 3 main parties: Conservative, Liberal and Labour. The Conservatives (Tory) are considered right wing, the Liberals in the middle and Labour left wing. Of course it is more complicated than that but the short answer to your question is that Churchill was a Republican

What are the liberal beliefs?

Liberals generally believe in more government involvement in our lives. For example they are for entitlement programs such as welfare, and social security. They also believe that things like abortion, and gay marriage should be legal. Primarily most middle and lower class people are liberal, because liberals are for usually for helping "Main Street America." However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, some conservatives are for Main Street, and some upper class citizens are identified as liberals.

How were radicals different from liberals?

Liberals were mostly middle-class business leaders and merchants Radicals favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people .

What is the difference between very liberal liberal conservative moderate and apathetic in terms of politics?

Generally speaking, conservatives are the embodiment of left brain thinking. They are logical, practical and firm on ideas of right and wrong. They value authority and loyalty to the group. in family life, they often discipline their children through punishments and rewards. Their career paths, politics, causes, and solutions reflect these values Generally speaking, liberals are the embodiment of right brain thinking. They are innovative and analytical and believe that labeling inhibits brainstorming and finding optimal solutions. They place value on competence (not authority), and principles (rather than affiliation), In family life, they are process oriented, and these values are also reflected in their work and political stances. There are pro's and con's to each way of functioning. While conservatives may sometimes be guilty of knee-jerk reactions, in cases where decisive action is necessary, liberals still have their calculators and are subtracting one...carry the two.... In scenarios that are complex, or require finesse, conservatives can be "bulls in the china shop". Religious conservatives blame liberals for the problems in society because in their desire to consider all things, they feel liberals leave the door wide open for many things that are not beneficiary to society. Spiritual liberals blame conservatives for the problems in society because in failing to consider all things, they do not assess the problem fully, and in so doing, fail to include all the variables that are required in order to properly solve the equation and create meaningful and effective responses. When the two groups are at odds, nothing gets accomplished. When the two groups value each other (and are aware of their own short-comings) they are able to solve problems more completely and within realistic parameters. Moderates see good things in each group and operate from the middle. (However, "splitting the difference" is a logical fallacy, and "meeting in the middle" may simply convolute problems, rather than solving them.) When moderates act as "moderators" they can be helpful. People who are apathetic have either given up, or no longer care. They do not participate in the democratic process and are not politically active.