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Besides the natural born freedoms of individuals nothing else is free. Resources on this planet are there, by definition, to sustain the populations of species on this planet. The air we breath is a natural resource that must be protected and conserved so that all species may take advantage of it. The water that we drink is a natural resource that must be protected and conserved so that all species may benefit from it. Bringing potable water to the human species can come with a cost, for as natural are the resources inherent on the planet Earth, so are the resources found within the depths of human effort. While the water itself may seem free to all who can benefit from it, if one lives in an area where water is sparse then the price of that water increases necessarily. There is the matter of keeping water potable and pure enough for human consumption so that even if one lives near abundant water sources, there is still the price of human effort in maintaining the safety of that water which takes it from free to a price.

Gold, diamonds and other such rare stones and gems are inherent to this Earth but require the effort of human endeavor to mine. Because they are rare and mining for such stones risky, the price is high and demand for these stones will raise the price even higher. The food we eat is a natural resource of this planet and since we as humans left the rain forests where we picked the trees and bushes for berries and nuts, we have had to endeavor, sometimes with great effort, to earn this natural resource. The price of survival is our own effort to do so and if we are to flourish and prosper, which is the only way to survive, then we must be willing to make great efforts to exploit and conserve the Natural Resources of this planet. Both exploitation and conservation come with a price.

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Q: Are resources a free gift of nature?
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Natural resources are a gift but not free gift. Lets understand it with a simple example: Forests (Trees/plants/green vegetation) are a great gift of nature. They take carbon dioxide off the environment, keep the green-house effect at minimum and thereby making the planet worth living. On the other hand, they are the only producers of oxygen, without which living is impossible for living organisms. They also bring rain. How much will felling of trees (deforestation) cost? They are inexpensive. Trees cost lives, believe me. Seriously, all natural resources are inexpensive.

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Free goods are gift of nature .Their supply is unlimited .They are not scarce though they are useful.

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Is a gift of nature a resource why why not?

Yes a gift of nature can become a resource in the future. Some resources like paper, come from trees. Trees also produce oxygen that every living thing breathes and uses.

How do we get resources?

We get resources by the nature. Nature gives us the resource

How do we get our resources?

we get resources by nature

Can a gift of nature become a resource in the future?

it will become a resource in the future

What is a free gift when a gift is always given?

Well, the gift is free to you. Not to the other person who gives the gift.

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Land, In economics, the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in production. ... Land was considered to be the “original and inexhaustible gift of nature.” In modern economics, it is broadly defined to include all that nature provides, including minerals, forest products, and water and land resources.

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