

Are sponges unicellular

Updated: 10/9/2023
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13y ago

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If you're talking about kitchen sponges, they do not have cells. However, sea sponges have cells.

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13y ago

it is not uncellular

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Q: Are sponges unicellular
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Do sponges have unicellular in them?

no sponges are not unicellular.

Is the marine sponge unicellular or multicellular?

Sponges are not unicellular organisms but they are multicellular organisms.They belong to phylum Porifera. They lack tissue grade organization hence they are called Parazoa. Sponges are aquatic animal with pores in body . They possess following types of cells; pinacocytes , choanocytes ,amoeboid cells,spongioblasts and fibroblasts.

Is porifera eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Yes, Porifera or sponges are eukaryotic because they have a nucleus and organs in their cells, they are unicellular but still very primitif.

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A unicellular organism lacks tissues, organs, and organ systems.

In what ways do sponges show evolutionary advancement compared to a colonial protozoan?

Sponges are multicellular organisms, whereas colonial protozoans are unicellular. This multicellularity in sponges allows for specialized cell types and division of labor, leading to increased efficiency and complexity in their structure and function. Sponges also possess differentiated tissues and exhibit more diverse body plans than colonial protozoans, demonstrating a higher level of evolutionary advancement.

What is mode of nutrition in sponges?

Sponges are porous and sea water flows in and out of sponges. The sea water carry all sorts of nutrients, like algae, bacteria and smaller organisms, which are trapped within the sponge by minute hair-like cilia. This is what gives the sponge energy. The sponge is made of uni-cellular organisms but these cannot survive alone. The sponge is a colony of these unicellular organisms and survives as one.

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Euglenas are unicellular protists.

What type of animal uses beating flagella to assist in filter feeding?

the flagella is in mammalian cells, they transfer fluids to the sell surface. this site helps

Is amoeba unicellular or multicellular?

Amoeba is unicellular.

Is a diatom unicellular?

Yes, diatoms are unicellular

Are sea sponges decomposers?

No, sea sponges are not decomposers. Sponges are filter feeders.

Are sponges parasitic?

No, sponges are not parasitic.