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No, they don't code for anything. They are repetitive sequences at the ends of chromosomes that protect them from gene loss during cell division. Genes code for protein or RNA.

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No. Telomers are at the end of the DNA where it gradually shortens.

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Q: Are telomeres the regions of chromosomes that code for protein?
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The sequencing of human chromosomes 21 and 22 showed that?

some regions of chromosomes do not code for proteins

Are genes carried on chromosomes?

Yes, genes are found on chromosomes. They are the sections of DNA that code for a functional product (a protein).

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Describe the makeup of chromosomes?

Human chromosomes are made up of chromatin, which is DNA wrapped around associated proteins called histones. Each chromosome has a single centromere joining the two chromatids. Telomeres are found at either end of the chromosome. They do not code for RNA, they protect the DNA from degradation during replication.

What are chromosomes and genes composed of?

Genes are composed of DNA. Chromosomes are composed of DNA and proteins. Genes are the sections of DNA which code for a functional product (such as a protein). Chromosomes are the compact, tightly-coiled form of DNA. These appear before the cell undergoes division/replication.

What are the regions of DNA called that code for protein?

The coding regions of many eukaryotic genes are interrupted by non-coding sequences known as INTRONS. They are stretches of DNA whose transcripts are absent from mature mRNA product.

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Are sections of chromosomes that code for a trait?

Sections of chromosomes that code for a trait are called genes.

Chromosome 21 and 22 contain long stretches of repetitive DNA which?

Chromosomes 21 and 22 contain long stretches of repetitive DNA, which are unstable sites where rearrangements can occur. The sequencing of human chromosomes 21 and 22 showed that some regions of chromosomes do not code for proteins.

What are two sets of chromosomes that code for the same trate?

Homologous Chromosomes.

Word describing the two chromosomes in a pair that have genes that code for the same traits?

Two chromosomes in a pair that have genes that code for the same traits are called homologous chromosomes. These chromosomes are in the same locations or loci.