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The answer to both questions is No.... Those Christians telling you that are actually incorrect according to the biblical texts.

While mankind is on this earth, all souls return to the Father who gave them .... All of them... Not some of them

Ecclesiastes 12:7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

However there are two places in heaven that souls reside, Read Luke 16.

Once the true Christ returns, Revelation 20 all souls experience the 1000 years with Christ (here on this earth)

Afterword testing and the final judgment occurs Revelation 20 and 21.

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Short answer: BOTH. The good will always go to heaven. As to there being a "Heaven on Earth," the long-awaited Golden Age, that is in the works, has been for decades. The intense societal problems that this world is currently experiencing are what need to occur before there can be a Golden Age. The traditional religious approaches of basic spirituality and the traditional approaches to power generation need to be significantly upgraded to advanced spirituality (i.e., becoming lesser gods after death), and free-energy systems. Despite the horrendous opposition, these are in the process of being realized. When the paradigm shift officially occurs, it will be marked by miracles of healing and telekinesis that surpass that of any major figure in any traditional religion. That is how we will know beyond a shadow of doubt that "Heaven on Earth" or The Golden Age is beginning to happen. But we cannot just wait and watch. We must actively participate in order to have the advantages thereof. We do that by not only serving others and striving to live by The Golden Rule, but by disciplining ourselves to Radiate Compassion from the heart daily. (Investigate my profile website link for details.) Find something to feel compassionate about and cultivate that feeling in your heart or heart chakra. Do this for minutes at a time every day. Use music to help set the mood. That is one key ingredient to accelerate one's growth and help one prepare to be part of the future Golden Age as it is slowly unfolding. "Tall trees get the most wind." Learn to enjoy the ride of spiritual unfoldment.

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The only people going to heaven are those who die in a state of grace. The only people that will make it to that point are the people who have lived an entire life not depending on themselves but on the grace of God and cooperated with it throughout their lives.

At the end of the world, those who are in heaven will receive their bodies back and God will create new heavens and a new earth and that is the one on which we will live for eternity. This earth has been permanently damaged due to the sin of mankind, and the Good Lord will sweep it all away in an inferno of fire.

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Biblical Answer:
Jesus told us, "No on has ascended to heaven but He (Himself) who came down from heaven" (see John 3:13).

As surprising as this may sound The Bible does not say when a person dies their disembodied 'souls' go to the 3rd heaven where the Throne of God is. The Apostle Peter was quite clear on this matter where in Acts 2:29, 34 he tells us that God's beloved King David had not ascended to heaven. So what does the Bible tell us happens at death?

The Bible describes death akin to sleep (see Job 14:12; Daniel 12:2; Acts 13:36; 1 Corinthians 15:6, 20; and 2 Peter 3:4) - a state of unconsciousness where those who have died have no awareness or understanding (see Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). However, the Bible also tells of a 'spirit in man' which imparts intellect to our human brains (see Job 32:8; 1 Corinthians 2:11). And it is this spirit which returns to God in Heaven at the time of death (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Hebrews 12:22-23). This spirit as noted above does not have consciousness separated from the body. This spirit will be placed into a renewed, enlivened bodies at the call to Judgment and all one's previous memories will be restored to each. Kind of like a RAM or Hard Drive in our modern computers which can be restored in a new computer and retain all files, etc.

To summarize then, when each of us dies, our spirit returns to God in Heaven for safekeeping. It will be restored in a new body at the call to Judgment by Jesus Christ - the vast majority in the Great White Throne Judgment process at the end of the Millennial Rule just as Jesus promised (see John 6:38-40). Afterwards, those who repented and accepted Christ as their Savior will be changed in spiritual children in the God family (2 Corinthians 6:18). The incorrigibly unrepentant will be cast into the Lake of Fire to die the 2nd and final death (see Revelations 20:14). The Earth and physical universe will be cleansed by fire from the ever increasing Lake of Fire. Then a New Heaven will descend to the New Earth and God will live amongst His children (see 2 Peter 3:12-13 below and Revelation 21:1-2):

2 Peter 3:12Contemporary English Version (CEV)12 You should look forward to the day when God judges everyone, and you should try to make it come soon. On that day the heavens will be destroyed by fire, and everything else will melt in the heat.

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The reason so many people can provide so many different answers to questions like this is that no one really knows. If there is a heaven, we will have to wait until we find out. Heaven is an idea that provides comfort for people who wish to be immortal, but it is far more certain that there is no heaven.

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Q: Are the good going to heaven as many Christians believe or is Heaven coming to the Earth?
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