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large polar molecules cannot pass through the membrane. only nonpolar and small polar molecules can pass through, and they only go from high to low concentration or else they need assistance from active transport.

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Hydrophobic molecules (those that have no attraction to water) need help in passing through the cell membrane.

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ChocolATE DOo doO !

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Q: What Particular molecules or ions freely cross the plasma membrane with assistance?
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What kinds of molecules freely diffuse across a semipermeable membrane?

Water molecules freely diffuse across a semipermeable membrane.

Which molecues cross the membrane of a cell easily and which do not?

Non-polar molecules (such as fatty acids, steroid hormones and O2) pass freely through the cell membrane. Small uncharged molecules (such as H2O) also pass freely, but are slower. Large, polar molecules and ions (such as Na+ and K+) do not pass freely. Macromolecules (such as proteins and polysaccharides) do not pass through the cell membrane. Molecules and ions that cannot pass freely through the cell membrane rely on other means, such as protein transporters, to move in to the cell.

What allows some molecules to pass through freely while limiting passage of other molecules?

That is a semi-permeable membrane.

How do things get thourgh a cell membrane?

There are various ways that things can get through the cell membrane. It will depend on the type of particle (size, charge, etc.). Non-polar molecules, such as fatty acids, pass freely through the membrane. Small, uncharged molecules, such as water, also pass freely. Large polar molecules and ions, such as K+ , and macromolecules, such as proteins, so not pass freely through the membrane. They must go through protein channels, pores, etc.

What can you conclude about the permeability of potato cytoplasm with respect to sucrose and water molecules?

H20 molecules can pass through the membrane freely, however sucrose molecules are too large.

Molecules can pass through the cell membrane of the human cell?

The molecules that can pass through the cell membrane of the human cell include water. Other molecules include fat soluble vitamins.

What substance is most likely to passively diffuse across the plasma membrane by dissolving in the membrane?

Lipid-soluble molecules such as O2 and CO2 diffuse freely through the plasma membrane.

What molecules can freely cross the plasma membrane?

Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Cholesterol. (Check out, 'fluid mosaic')

Why can oxygen water and carbon dioxide move through the cell membrane but salt and protein cannot?

That depend on size and the charge.Large molecules and charged molecules cannot move freely

What is a semi-permeable material that controls the movement of materials in and out of a cell?

The semi-permeable part of the cell would be the cell membrane, which allows some molecules (water, in particular) to pass freely through but restricts the movement of other molecules (such as proteins and enzymes).

What can you conclude about the advantage of the cell membrane having hydrophobic ends in the phospholipid bilayer?

Well it prevents polar molecules from passing through freely, giving the membrane its semi-permeable properties.

Definition of freely permeable membrane?

freely permiable membrane allows everything to pass through.