

Are there still death camps

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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Sadly yes. The Nazi death camps have all been closed, but wherever there is a war being fought, you can pretty much rest assured that there is quite a lot of killing going on, even when those being killed are unarmed. Prisoner of war camps especially can quickly turn into death camps. But especially in racially/ethnically motivated wars there is a high chance of one group trying to exterminate the other and many people will employ very organized and sophisticated tactics to achieve this goal. Examples are the death camps of Po Pot in Cambodia, of the NVA during the Vietnam War, and one could argue that Rwanda became just one huge death camp during the Hutu massacre of the Tutsis. Not to mention any number of political camps run by dictators and tyrants all over the world that we have no idea about. Myanamr (Burma), for example, has one of the vilest dictatorships on the face of the earth.


The answer is off topic. The Nazi death camps have been destroyed or, in a few cases, turned into museums.

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12y ago

Yes, That's is basically what they have in the communist country North Korea.

Google it search for North Korea prisons, not only do they torture you and your whole family for years, they murder new born babys and much much worse. It literally is hell on earth.

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12y ago

As far as I know, there are no Nazi-style extermination camps carrying out mass shooting and/or gassings. BUt the Muslims still practice things like slavery and things like that also.

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15y ago

* Parts of Auschwitz I and II (Birkenau) are a museum. * Part of Majdanek (Lublin) is a museum. Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Chelmno were destroyed by the Nazis.

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14y ago

Some have been preserved as museums, such as Dachau and parts of Buchenwald. Parts of Auschwitz have also been preserved as a museum.

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12y ago

Yes but they are not in use.

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in Russia and Mexico

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