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it would be a good bet since both congress and the senate are true crooks and horrors ie can be bought off with anything for their vote!

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Q: Are well over half the members of either Congress and US representatives lawyers?
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I think this is actually 2 questions. Every one of the US states have voting members in Congress. Usually each state has 2 Senators and a number of Representatives (based on the population of the state.) However, US territories are not states and do not have voting members in either the Senate or House of Representatives.

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No member of the Senate or the House or Representatives may be sued for any statements made during session. The reason for this is to prevent intimdation from any opposition or a possibly hostile Judiciary.

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The Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate..... Either of those would work

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Who is in charge of the Legislative branch?

The Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate..... Either of those would work

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No, constituents is a name used to describe the people who live and vote in a Congressman's political district. These are the people who elected him to office, and can either vote to reelect him to that position or vote him out, giving another representative the opportunity to represent them.

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Congressman or congresswoman. Congress "persons" can be either senators or representatives, depending on whether they were elected to the Senate or House respectively.

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There are no judges in the House of Representatives; the members are called either Congressmen (Congresswomen) or Representatives. Judges are part of the Judicial Branch; the House of Representatives is part of the Legislative Branch; they're completely separate.

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The Congress reviews it and can either give a reprimand letter, a public rebuke on the floor of the chamber, or they can expell the member from Congress.

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In congress, there are two branches: the House of Representatives and the Senate. A Senator is a member of the senate. A congressman is referring that he/she is part of either the House or the Senate.

Who do members of congress have immunity for what they say on tyhe floor of either the house or the senate?

Yes, they are immune.

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A representative to the US Congress (either to the House of Representatives or the Senate) has no restriction on the number of times they can be elected.