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No. However, if a creditor sues the debtor and wins a judgment, in most cases the judgment can be executed against joint marital property, such as bank accounts. Therefore, a new spouse can be affected by the premarital debts of their partner.

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Q: Are you responsible for a spouse's debt before marriage?
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Does South Carolina make spouses responsible for the others debt in their name only?

Under South Carolina law, debt that is incurred during a marriage is presumed to be marital debt. This would mean that both spouses are legally obligated for their share of the debt, regardless of the listed individual to the debt.

Who is responsible for marital debt?

Both of the spouses are responsible for the debt. They both benefited from the debt, so they are held responsibility.

Is a wife responsible for debt made by her husband before marriage in the state of Florida?

No. A spouse is not responsible for their spouse's debts that were incurred prior to marriage. The only debt that can be shared post-marriage that was incurred pre-marriage would be debt on an account that you became a joint account holder on after marriage.

Is the wife responsible on husband debt if incurred before marriage in mo?

No you are responsible for his debt prior to marriage. Keep in mind that each come to the marriage with their own personal credit history. You are only responsible for joint accounts. Credit obtained in both names.

Is a spouse responsible for your debts before the marriage?

Absolutely not ! Whether you're single, engaged or married YOU are responsible for your OWN debt ! Even after you get married - your spouse is NOT responsible for debt YOU owe !

Do you inherit your spouses debt after marriage in new york?

The debts are considered to benefit both spouses. They will have a responsibility to resolve them.

Is a spouse responsible for the other spouses child support debt if they are deceased?


Is a spouse in Missouri responsible for the other spouses debt?

The basic assumption is that yes, the spouse is jointly responsible. It is assumed that both spouses will benefit from the transactions.

Are you responsible for your husbands unsecured debt?

The spouse is considered to benefit from the debt. Yes, the spouses share responsibility.

Is spouse responsible for deceased spouses SSA debt?

yes usually the spouse is

Who is responsible for previously acquired debt brought into a marriage?

Whoever had the debt is responsible. Any carry over debts do not count in the marriage. What you both get into debt together is what counts.

Are you responsible for a debt prior to marriage in Pennsylvania?

no nobody is responsible