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Usually; however some file formats (jpg and mp3 are good examples) are already compressed and zipping them will not generally compress the file much further.

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Q: Are zipped files smaller than unzipped files?
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What happens when files that contain large amounts of information are ''zipped'?

When files containing large amounts of information are compressed or zipped, they are moved and forced into a smaller space to conserve memory and protect the file(s).

How many MB is an average download?

How long is a piece of string? It depends on the file, the type of file and the format it is in. A zipped file is smaller than an unzipped one, a music file is larger than a picture file and a movie is larger than a song..... There is no single answer to this question.

Why aren't my zipped files any smaller than they originally were?

Depends on the file type, some, especially downloaded files and executables (.EXE and .COM) files are already compressed, so therefore won't be smaller when you zip them. You can combine zip files into a single zip file, but it doesn't make the file size a smaller total.

How do you open and convert Z01 files?

A *.z01 file is part of a multi-part ZIP archive. This means that a big file (or several files) were zipped into several smaller files instead of just one. What you need to do is download all of the related files. They will all have the same filename, with the extensions *.z01, *.z02, etc, and a *.zip file. You can tell which is the last of the numbered files because it will almost always be smaller than the others. So if you download the *.zip and *.z01 and *.z02 files, and they are all 50MB in size, and then you download the *.z03 file and it is 29MB, then you know that you have them all. Once you have all of the related files, put them into the same folder and then proceed to unzip the one that ends in *.zip. It should automatically assemble the unzipped files using all of the parts.

How do you make your desk top files smaller on a mac?

It is not clear just what you want to achieve: You can right click on a file's icon and select the Compress "file's name" from the menu. This will create a zipped archive of the file which may or may not be smaller than the original but will need to be unzipped every time you want to use the file. Do you want to make the icons on the desktop smaller? If so; click on the Desktop so that the Finder menu bar is showing. From the Finder's View menu select Show View Options and then adjust the Icon Size slider to something suited to your needs.

Are JPEG files bigger than bitmap files?

Jpeg files are smaller than bitmap files, though bitmap files are much better quality.

Are mp3 files larger than wave files?

No, usually MP3 files are much smaller than wave files, because they use compression to reduce the size.

Why is it beneficial for user to download MP3 files rather than WAV files?

MP3 files are smaller so there faster to download

Do AAC files use more space than MP3?

AAC files are usually smaller with better sound quality than an MP3 file.

Are zip files smaller than unzip files?

Usually; however some file formats (jpg and mp3 are good examples) are already compressed and zipping them will not generally compress the file much further.

Why is a flash drive better than a floppy disk?

Bigger storage space, smaller chance of files getting corrupt or hardware getting damaged

Where to convert mkv to mp4 video that are larger than 100mb?

It's pretty much the same as converting smaller files, but it will take significantly more time to accomplish the conversion. You can use a free converter from the Internet and process files according to the instructions.