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Q: As one form of historical source secondary sources are based on?
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Is bias a secondary source?

Bias is not a secondary source. In terms of historical and academic research and writing, secondary sources are articles and books written by historians and other academics. Secondary sources can be biased based on when the source was written and the author.Ê

If one form of historical source secondary sources are based on?

Secondary sources are based on primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time period being studied. Secondary sources analyze, interpret, or provide commentary on primary sources to offer a new perspective or understanding of historical events.

How many types of historical evidence are there?

There are two main sources: primary and secondary. A primary source would be "the document itself" or the testimony of an observer who was present at so-and-so. A secondary source would be eclectic documentation or testimony based on that of primary sources. For instance, a documentary of WWII would be a secondary source, which cites many primary sources such as interviews with veterans, clips of video or photos from the era, etc.

Which type of historical document is based on interpretation of other documents instead of direct observation?

Secondary source

What are secondary sources based on?

They are just based on the Primary sources.

What is a sentence describing Primary source differs from a Secondary source?

A primary source is an original and firsthand account of an event or topic, created at the time of the event by someone who witnessed or experienced it. A secondary source, on the other hand, is an interpretation or analysis of primary sources by someone who was not directly involved in the event or topic. Secondary sources are often based on primary sources but provide a different perspective or analysis.

Which type of historical documents is based on interpretation of other documents instead of direct observation?

The declaration of independence is primary source

What is the difference between a primary source and secondary source?

Primary sources were either created during the time period being studied or were created at a later date by a participant in the events being studied (as in the case of memoirs). They reflect the individual viewpoint of a participant or observer. Primary sources enable the researcher to get as close as possible to what actually happened during an historical event or time period. A secondary source is a work that interprets or analyzes an historical event or phenomenon. It is generally at least one step removed from the event and is often based on primary sources. Examples include scholarly or popular books and articles, reference books and textbooks.

Would a book written this year about life on a Spanish mission in Florida be a primary source?

No, a book written this year about life on a Spanish mission in Florida would not be considered a primary source, as it is a modern interpretation or analysis of historical events. Primary sources are original documents or artifacts that provide firsthand evidence of a specific time period or event.

What best describes the difference between primary and secondary source?

Primary sources are accounts or descriptions based on a first hand, one sided experience. A secondary source is created by some-one (normally a historian) who has gathered up primary sources and sometimes some other secondary sources, then written what they perceive as a more reliable, detached account.

What is a primary scource?

A primary source is a source that has direct knowledge of the idea. it can be from the person who saw it or the person who did the original research. Primary source is in contrast to secondary source - a source that is quoting or gathering information from primary sources. the terms primary and secondary are relative terms.For example, a research based on other peoples words, can be a secondary source. however, compared to Wikipedia, it would be a primary source.

Is a biography a primary source or a secondary?

A biography is considered a secondary source because it is a written account of someone's life created by someone else, rather than the person themselves. It is based on a combination of primary sources, such as letters or diary entries, and the biographer's interpretation of those sources.