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Bernoulli's Principle

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The Bernoulli Principle

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Q: As the velocity of a fluid increases the pressure exerted by the fluid decreases this statement is?
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What generally happens to atmospheric pressure on a windy day?

On a windy day atmospheric pressure decreases because the higher the wind velocity, the lower the air pressure, or atmospheric pressure. This is how chimneys work, the air that moves above the chimney causes low air pressure because of the high wind velocity compared the velocity of the air inside a house. The air inside the house goes towards the low air pressure and takes the smoke with it.

What happens to the ability of a river to erode land under it if its slope decreases?

If a rivers slope decreases, its ability to erode land under it decreases too. The slope determines the rivers velocity. The steeper the slope, the higher the velocity, the more erosion.

What happens to the atmospheric pressure as elevation increases?

The higher the altitude, the lower the pressure becomes. One way to think of this is that the lower levels of the atmosphere, near the surface, are being pressed down by the molecules stacked above them, all of them drawn by Earth's gravity. Similarly, water in the oceans exerts a higher pressure the deeper you dive. Also, at the higher levels of the atmosphere, it is easier for molecules of lighter gases to achieve enough velocity to fly off into space.

What happens to the suspended load particles when the river's velocity decreases?

Fall to the bottom as sediment, of course.

Explain How the flow aloft aids the formation of cyclones at the surface?

The flow aloft aids the formation of cyclones at the surface by pushing air into the vector. This increases the strength, speed and velocity and builds up the pressure as the cyclone develops.

Related questions

What is the effect on velocity and pressure if a liquid flows in a convergent pipe?

I think velocity is directly proportionate to its applying pressure.

What is the relationship between flow rate pressure?

With the increase in flow rate the velocity of the fluid increases. and with the increase in velocity the pressure decreases, because there will be pressure drop (Refer Bernoulli's Theorm). So with increase in Flow rate the pressure decreases.

Why pressure decreases when velocity increases?

Bernoulli (or Venturi) Effect examines the relationship between pressure and velocity. The equation is P + (1/2)(density)(v^2)= P + (1/2)(density)(v^2) so as pressure velocity increases, pressure will decrease and vice versa.

What do you mean by weather change?

atmospheric pressure increases atmospheric pressure decreases wind velocity increases wind velocity decreases rain begins to fall rain stops snowfall or other precipitation begins precipitation ends cold front comes in warm front comes in

When balloon ascends its velocity decreases?

no it increases

Air diffuser defition?

It increases the pressure of the down-steaming air while its velocity decreases due to the convert of the kinetic energy into pressure energy

What is the bernoulli principle?

The Bernouli Principle states that sideward pressure exerted by a moving fluid decreases as the fluid's velocity increases.

Velocity of blood flow decreases if?

Viscosity increases

When area reduces velocity increases or decreases?

If you're talking about something like gasses, and by area you mean volume, and all other factors are held constant, then the pressure increases.... the velocity either increases or doesn't change, it certianly doesn't decrease.

How come Bernoullis principle say that as pressure decreases velocity increases when we know that as area increases pressure decreases we also know that as area decreases velocity increase?

By area do you mean cross sectional area of a stream tube? Bernoulli's principle only compares pressure and velocity and it covers all fluids. In the case of an ideal gas (constant density) decreasing the cross sectional area of a stream tube lets say; will not affect the pressure. But given any fluid volume..going from point a to point b if velocity decreases, particles in the fluid want to move outward. just remember any fluid must do two things move and apply pressure.

Does speed increase or decrease as the pressure of a moving liquid increases?

for ideal fluid pv=nRT, so when pressure increase velocity decreases since vel. is inversly proportional to pressure....

Frequency of a wave increases and the velocity stays the same?

Wavelength decreases.