

Best Answer

You could try simply:

"Veux-tu sortir avec moi?"

(Will you go out with me)

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Q: Ask a girl out in french?
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How do you ask a girl out on a date in french?

Veux-tu venir avec moi?

How do you ask a girl out that is french but havent met her yet?

introduce yourself and then get to kno2w her after that you'll know what to do

How do you ask to get a french kiss frm a fourth grade girl?

Simple, you don't! That's reallyinappropriate.

How do you ask a girl please in french?

Please is "s'il te plait" or "s'il vous plait" in French. This is no different when asking to a girl. Use 'vous' in formal settings or when speaking to a group of persons.

How do you say my in french if you were a girl?

My in French is 'Ma' if you were a girl.

How do you say if you are a girl in french?

Girl in french is fille

What is the French word for girl?

a girl is 'une fille' in French.

How do you ask for a girl's number?

Well,all you have to do is get the girl to like and then ask the girl does she like him and if the girl says yes, then ask her for her #! and i should know cause i am a girl!

How do you say skinny girl in French?

Skinny girl is fille maigre in French.

How do you say 'good girl' in French?

'good girl' is 'bonne fille' in French.

How do you ask out a girl if her best friend likes you?

It depends, do you like the other girl who likes you? if so, ask HER out. If not, then just ask out the girl you like.

Is it weird for a girl to ask a guy to marry her?

It isn't to weird for a girl to ask but its a free country, so be crazy and ask that question girl.