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your baby is safe from conception to delivery if you eat right well balanced meals, take your prenatal vitamins, and get moderate exercise for 30 min three times a week. See your OB doctor and he will keep you posted. Joymaker RN

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16y ago
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14y ago

I have been overdue 4 weeks with 2 out of my 3 babies and they were all fine and so was I. Of course this varies from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. Consult a OB-GYN and get regular prenatal care - they are the only ones who will be able to tell you based on your condition and the condition of the baby you are carrying.

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12y ago

A baby is counted as 'viable' (able to survive) from 24 weeks of pregnancy but I would not call that safe. 33% of babies born at 24 weeks, 19.9% at 23 weeks, and 9.1% at 22 weeks live long enough to be discharged from hospital. Not surviving but being discharged. So only a third survives from 24 weeks and usually with damages. It's in those last weeks the lungs are developing so I would say week 38 when you have gone the whole pregnancy is the safest. A few weeks before that can also be safe, it depends on the fetus condition and development.

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