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Sand is the leading cause for impaction. Once the animal ingests sand, it can build up in the digestive tracks and the animal won't be able to pass it. Once impacted, most animals will not eat or drink due to the pain and this can lead to death. Most breeders do not reccomend loose substrates for this reason.

Baby geckos of almost any specie can live comfortably on papertowel substrates. This allows them to seek out a damp/moist spot in the terrarium when shedding, as well as live feedings being able to take place within the terrarium.

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6y ago

big enough to break out of its enclosure and head to the beach. Don't give your gecko sand, it can cause impaction.

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14y ago

i put my sand in right after i got it and i got her at the age of 2 weeks old and now she is over one year old

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Q: At what age can you put sand into a leopard gecko's cage?
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What reptiles can you cage with leopard geckos?

Leopard geckos are solitary creatures. They should be housed individually unless breeding or housing females of similar size and age together. Even when housing females, sometimes there can be bullying within the tank and you must monitor to be sure there is nothing happening.

What requirements do leopard geckos have for mating in captivity?

Not much at all, healthy males will mate with any age girl it sees so be carefull/

Are leopard geckos friendly?

The only times I know that they are aggressive are: 1. when you put a different type of gecko in the same tank. (I have heard of some that are ok) 2. if you put two male leopard geckos together. (females are normally ok) 3. they are very aggressive to crickets! :)

Can leopard geckos breed for only one season?

A female leopard gecko, so long as its being kept properly can start to reach maturity around 12-18 months of age and can breed successfully without strain on the body until 6-9 years of age. After that age, it takes a toll on the females body as they are having to use a lot of calcium reserves for the eggs.

Can a white spotted gecko and leopard gecko coexist?

The white spotted gecko is an aboreal species thriving in climates that require humidity. They are a tropical species and the leopard gecko is native to the deserts of southern / eastern Asia. These two species cannot co exist within the same terrarium.

Do 2 girl leopard geckos get along?

2 Female geckos of the same species are able to co exist if the space requirements are met. Typically 10 Gallons of space is good for 1 adult gecko. 2 Adults, would require 20 Gallons of tank space.

Can leopard gecko pink mice?

Leopard geckos shouldn't always be fed pinkys as they are very fattening. but if your gecko NEEDS a pinky, it should either be very hungry ad go for it as soon as you drop it in front of him/her but if not use feeding tongs to make the pinky look like its wriggling in front of your gecko that should do it.

What age will leopard geckos have babies at?

I don't have much expierience with theae types of lizards, but my guess is that it probably has to be over a year old and be sexually mature. No one can really tell when they will have babies, but in the right conditions, in a few weeks you'll know they can have babies

What age is your leopard gecko?


Can you put a male leopard gecko with a female?

If you want to breed them. Leopard geckos reach maturity at about 9 months old, and a male can have several females. Beginning about 3 to 4 weeks after mating, the female gecko will have a clutch of eggs, usually 2, that hatch in about 2 months. You would be advised to keep male geckos away from the eggs and the young hatchlings.

Can a Leopard Gecko be introduced to a new Leopard Gecko?

Unless they are juveniles, I advise you not to introduce adult Leopard Geckos. It can get the Gecko who got into the vivarium first quite stressed which can kill it. If they are juveniles, though, they will be OK together. However, you should NEVER put two males together, even if they are juvenile, as they would fight to the death of one another. Two females or a male and female who have been together since juveniles will be fine, but anything else could end up with a dead Gecko. P.S. I have two Geckos of my own who have been with each other since a very young age too. Beware that some animals are quite solitary like these kind of Lizards.

What is the easiest lizard to care for?

Depends. Leopard Geckos only need a 10 gallon tank with a screen top and a heat bulb for the day and a smaller heat bulb for the night, 75w, 50w respectively. They don't need to be handled but tolerate it rather well when they get older and when they are exposed to handling from a young age. Being nocturnal, Leopard Geckos don't need a UVB/UVA fluorescent bulb, but they do need to be supplemented with calcium. They don't need to be on sand and don't require humidity as they prefer between 20-30%. Leopard Geckos need to be fed every night when young, and about 4-5 times a week as adults. Leopard Geckos will drop their tail if handled to roughly or if they think they are in a dangerous situation. It grows back, but takes about 40 days depending on how much of the tail is lost. Leopard geckos live 10-20 years if females, and 20 to around 25 as males and grow to around 8-12 inches with males usually being slightly larger. Females can be housed together in a 15 gallon tank, up the tank size by 2.5 gallons per each additional lizard. Males cannot be housed with other males, but can be housed with multiple females (probably 3 or more) if you have a big enough tank. Leopard Geckos primarily feed on crickets and mealworms will the occasional waxworm treat (only use waxworms as treats) and will usually not eat anything that they do not observe to be moving. Bearded Dragons are also easy lizards to care for, but don't live quite as long, around 5-10 years is expected, but I've heard a couple people tell me up to 18. Don't know if that's true or not. Bearded dragons are not nocturnal, so they REQUIRE a UVB/UVA fluorescent bulb during daytime, along with a heat bulb. Bearded Dragons grow to around two feet including the tail so they need at least a 40 gallon tank to live in. There are some bulbs that combine heat and UVA/UVB, but they are between 40-70 dollars for the bulb alone. Bearded Dragons are far less finicky eaters than Leopard Geckos and will eat salads, crickets, wax-worms and pelleted bearded dragon food. DO NOT FEED MEAL-WORMS TO BEARDED DRAGONS UNTIL THEY ARE AT LEAST 6 INCHES. I have heard from multiple people that they can have seizures when juveniles if fed meal-worms Bearded Dragons have a much more laid back temperament than Leopard Geckos and appear to enjoy interacting with people. Leopard Geckos setups including the lizard will usually cost around 150-200 dollars if all products are purchased from PetSmart Bearded Dragon setups including the lizard will be closer to 300-350 if all products are purchased from PetSmart