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Q: Autosomal abnormality resulting in three copies of chromosome 21 is known as?
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What is tetraploid?

An organism is tetraploid if each autosomal cell contains 4 copies of each chromosome.

What is an autosomal dominant disorder?

Chromosomes can be divided into autosomes and sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes (eg X and Y in humans) carry genes concerned with sex determination. The remaining chromosomes are called autosomes. They carry genes which are the same in males and females. Aberrations are changes or mutations in the chromosomes. So autosomal aberrations are mutations in the non-sex chromosomes.

Triploid organisms have copies of each chromosome?

Triploid organisms have ___two___ Copies of each chromosome?

Is Edwards syndrome autosomal or sex-linked?

Down Syndrome is a trisomy of the 21st chromosome as opposed to an allelic inheritance through the X chromosome. Trisomy is a somatic disorder caused by improper division during gametogenesis (usually of the ovum) that results in 3 copies of the 21st chromosome in the egg once it is fertilized.

How many chromosomes are there when a human egg and sperm fuse?

That depends on the species. In the case of humans, egg and sperm cells have half of the chromosomes of a regular cell - 23 chromosomes each. When they join, the resulting cell will have the complete 46 chromosomes.

What is meiosis associated with?

Sexual reproduction took me a while 2 figure it out 2

What is Unparental Disomy?

Occurs when a person receives two copies of a chromosome, or of part of a chromosome, from one parent and no copies from the other parent.

Trisomy is a mutation that results in a cell having an extra?

A trisomy is a condition in which a person has three copies of a chromosome instead of the usual two copies. A person can have full trisomy (three copies in every cell) or mosaic trisomy (three copies in some cells but not all).

What is an autosomal recessive condition resulting in degeneration of the nervous system?

Two copies of the abnormal gene get passed down to cause conditions. Tay Sachs, common to Jewish populations, is one of these. It causes degeneration of the nervous system.

When an original chromosome copies it is said to?


What are sister chromotids?

Idenical copies of a chromosome

Can you get Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a result of a genetic abnormality that is present from the stage of a single fertilized egg. Specifically, it is when the embryo has three copies of chromosome #21 instead of the normal two copies. It is therefore also known as trisomy 21. This being said, you cannot "get" down syndrome - you are either born with it or without it.