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Our own ignorance that manifests as attatchment and aversion

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Q: Buddha believed suffering is caused by?
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Who did Buddha believe in?

Buddha believed: * All life contains suffering * All suffering is caused by desire * There is a way to escape suffering by eliminating desire * The Eightfold Path is the way Buddha believed it is in every person to achieve the goal of enlightenment following these four noble truths. No deity is required to achieve this. So Buddha believed in every person. He did not believe in a god(s)

Did the Buddha believe in a god?

Buddha believed: * All life contains suffering * All suffering is caused by desire * There is a way to escape suffering by eliminating desire * The Eightfold Path is the way Buddha believed it is in every person to achieve the goal of enlightenment following these four noble truths. No deity is required to achieve this. So Buddha believed in every person. He did not believe in a god(s)

Did Buddha believe in a God?

Buddha believed: * All life contains suffering * All suffering is caused by desire * There is a way to escape suffering by eliminating desire * The Eightfold Path is the way Buddha believed it is in every person to achieve the goal of enlightenment following these four noble truths. No deity is required to achieve this. So Buddha believed in every person. He did not believe in a god(s)

What was buddha goal?

Buddha's intent was to end suffering. This was to be done by understanding at suffering is caused by desire and that it can be eliminated by controlling desire.

What is the cause of suffering in Buddhist thought?

The Buddha explained that all suffering is caused by attachment and aversion, ultimately created by ignorance.

What did the Buddha say caused human suffering?

The texts tell us that the Buddha discovered that our own; thoughts words and deeds are the primary cause of our own suffering. Suffering generally is the result of 'ignorance' of the laws of cause and effect. Suffering is the result of our attachment and aversion to composite phenomena, things that do not last.

What is siddhartha remembered for?

Siddharta Gautama was remembered for becoming the Buddha, or "Enlightened One." He believed that life was an eternal wheel of suffering and pain, or the Wheel of Dhamma. He also taught that suffering was caused by desire, and one who rid himself of desire would achieve Nirvana, or an end to pain and suffering.

Why did Buddha want to get rid of selfish desires?

Buddha wanted to get rid of selfish desires because it leads to sorrows. Answer: From the Four Noble Truths: # All life is suffering # Al suffering is caused by desire # There is an answer to end suffering # The answer is to follow the EIghtfold Path From this it is clear that the end of suffering comes from the elimination of (selfish) desires.

What was Buddha seeking when he left his home?

Buddha was seeking what was out there and the meaning to suffering because people were suffering.

Can the Buddha be called The Great Physician?

Buddha does not heal sickness or wounds so he does not count as a physician. He does help in ending the suffering caused by desire so he might better be called the teacher.

What is the definition of Buddhism?

The teaching of Buddha was that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct, wisdom, and meditation releases one from desire, suffering, and rebirth.

Why Buddhism important to the Buddha?

Buddhism is unimportant to the Buddha, the Buddha only cared about reality and ending suffering.