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Yes, Sometimes the female will mate with a male, not long after you give away her babies, or they grow up. She may do this. My cats did.

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aslong as they are in heat and over 10 months old.I know this because my kitten had a litter of kittens with a 2 year old when she was 11 months old!!

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Q: Can a kitten get pregnant with a 2 year old cat?
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What is the difference from a kitten and a cat?

A kitten is a baby cat (under one year old), but is called a kitten. A cat is an adult cat, over one year in age.

Are kittens real?

Yes, kittens are indeed real. The word "kitten" is used for a young cat less than a year old. After a year old, the kitten is considered to be fully grown and is called a "cat".

Can a 42 day old kitten be pregnant?

no then the kitten is a little over 5 weeks. The average female cat might start to go into heat at 8 months, but every cat is different.

Can a 10 year old cat get pregnant?

can cat get pregant at the 8 years old

Are All cats large and small called kittens?

if the cat is under 1 year old it is called a kitten

Is a 10 month old cat still a kitten?

Yes. A cat is considered a kitten until it reaches 1 years of age. At 1 year old, a cat is thought to have stopped growing and fully mature. Large breeds such as the Maine Coon develop much more slowly and are not considered adult until they are 3 or 4 years old.

How many human years are equal to cat years?

about 15 years

When will a kitten grow into a cat?

Yes a kitten grows into a cat when they turn 1 years old. If you feed them and give them fresh water everyday they grow into a healthy grown cat^-^

Can a 17 yr old cat have one kitten?

Yes, a cat can have anywhere from 1 kitten to 13.

How old does a cat have to be to get pregnant safely?

Female cats can get pregnant by three months old, however it would be a good idea to let your cat develop fully as being pregnant will upset the cat's hormones. I would recommend waiting until your cat is nine months to a year old.

Does the cat take care of the kitten?

Yes, A mama cat takes care of a kitten for weeks and then the kitten becomes old enough to go out on it's own.

Can a cat get a kitten pregnant?

Most female and male cats reach sexual maturity at around 6 months of age, although instances of much earlier pregnancies have been recorded. At 6 months, a cat is still very much a kitten and is still developing mentally and physically. It is not ideal at all for a kitten to have kittens. A cat under a year old is considered a kitten as it is still growing and developing. If a kitten becomes pregnant at such a young age, she has to share all her energies with growing and developing herself and her unborn litter. This divide in bodily resources increase the risk of problems or fatalities for both the mother and the kittens. For this reason, kittens should be spayed and neutered before 6 months old.