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AnswerIf there was never an order for support, it is most likely too late to get one entered at this point. AnswerIf there was an order entered, I suggest the child contact the Arizona child support agency for an appointment. Bring all the orders, payment records, etc. Be polite but persistent. Good luck! AnswerThe cutoff was the 19th birthday for a retroactive motion to be filed. AnswerThe right to collect unpaid child support judgments through one of many runs out at end of the 3 year period from emancipation of last child who was depending on court order unless reduced to written money judgment. (A.R.S. § 25-503(J)) If reduced to written judgment, the right to collect lasts until paid in full.
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Q: Can a child who is now 19 sue their mother for unpaid child support in AZ with out an attorney?
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How do you forgive child support debt after child support is stopped?

Only the courts can forgive unpaid support. And only that not owed the state directly due to the mother being on Welfare at some point.

Is there help with attorney fees for a single mother trying to get child support from father?

Just go to the Child Support Enforcement Office and request it.

Can an adult child get unpaid child support in Alabama?

No, child support is not paid to the child but to the parent raising the child.

Can a twenty five year old sue her father for unpaid back child support?

Yes, the Supreme Court ruled back child support is a protection of equal rights, so see an attorney or call your local court.

Does a notorized Affidavitt signed by the mother prove previous child support payments?

You need to see an attorney (lawyer)

Can a child sue for child support after the age of 18 if the father has never paid a penny?

Yes a child can sue a parent for unpaid child support if there was a child support order.

Does an obligator still have to pay child support in Texas after 50 years?

There is no statute of limitations on unpaid child support.

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How do you garnish wages for child support from unemployment checks?

The State's Attorney/District Attorney or your State's child support agency can do this.

Can you garnish someones wages for back child support?

The courts can do this, as well as the State child support agency.

Can you in list with unpaid child support?

If you mean, "enlist," - yes, but military service doesn't relieve you of your child support obligation.

A father left his wife and son to live with another women and her son. What can his wife do?

The wife and mother of the child should file a petition for divorce and child support immediately. The father will be required to provide financial support for his child. If the couple owns any property the court will see to its equitable division and perhaps allow some spousal support. She needs to consult with an attorney ASAP.The wife and mother of the child should file a petition for divorce and child support immediately. The father will be required to provide financial support for his child. If the couple owns any property the court will see to its equitable division and perhaps allow some spousal support. She needs to consult with an attorney ASAP.The wife and mother of the child should file a petition for divorce and child support immediately. The father will be required to provide financial support for his child. If the couple owns any property the court will see to its equitable division and perhaps allow some spousal support. She needs to consult with an attorney ASAP.The wife and mother of the child should file a petition for divorce and child support immediately. The father will be required to provide financial support for his child. If the couple owns any property the court will see to its equitable division and perhaps allow some spousal support. She needs to consult with an attorney ASAP.