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Not arbitrarily. The biological mother and the person wishing to accept guardianship would need to follow the legal procedures as prescribed under the laws of the state in which the child resides. If paternity has been established, the biological father would also have to be a part of any change in custody.

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Q: Can a friend sign over her parental rights to her daughter to you?
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Can you Sign over your parental rights to a friend in Washington Sate with out going to court?

No, only guardianship.

Can you get your daughter's father to sign over rights in Texas?

You can ask him but not force him. If he is harmful to the child you can bring it to court and the court can take his parental rights away.

Is there any legal way so that you have say over everything for your daughter?

If the other parent gives up their parental rights.

Can a father give the only man that his daughter knows as dad his rights?

Yes you can sign over your rights. Only the courts can terminate parental rights. In this case, the child should be adopted.

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Yes, unless/until the child is adopted.

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How do you sign over parental rights in CA?

In the state of California, a person goes to court to sign over their parental rights. Many people believe that by signing over their parental rights relinquishes them from having to pay child support, this is incorrect unless the child is adopted.

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How do I sign over my parental rights without going to court?

Can A Parent Sign Over Parental Rights Of There Child To A Friend By Writing Out A Signed Agreement between Both Parties In The Presence Of 2 Witnesses Without Going Through The Proper Authorities?

A court order is required to terminate parental rights. In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

In Virginia can you get your parental rights back after you voluntarily signed them over?

No. A voluntary relinquishment of parental rights is permanent and cannot be rescinded.

How does stepmother with POA sign over deployed father's parental rights back to birth mother?

Custody, not parental rights.