

Can a goat bite

Updated: 9/2/2023
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14y ago

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Goats and Sheep have very sharp teeth, so it is not a good idea to put your fingers in their mouths. But they do not bite or nip when they fight or to defend themselves (like horses sometimes do). When they fight with each other (or are occasionally naughty toward people) they butt with their head.

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14y ago

Yes, but it doesn't really hurt. inside a goats mouth the lower part is teeth and the upper part is all tough gum.

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You should start by calling a veterinarian - if you can get the goat into a vehicle it may be faster to take the goat to the vet rather than wait for the vet to come out to the goat. After that, you can try to see if there is a foreign object in the goat's mouth or throat, and if there is you can try to pull it out. Be careful as the goat may bite you. Otherwise there isn't much you can do - it will take a veterinarian to fix most of the causes of insufficient oxygen intake.

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A billy goat is a male goat. yes indeed

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The opposite of a she-goat (nanny goat, doe) would be a he-goat (billy goat).

What is the opposite of nanny-goat?

A billy goat. A nanny goat is a "she" and the billy goat is a "he".

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Opposite gender of billy goat?

A billy goat (also known as a buck) is a male goat so the opposite would be a nanny goat (also known as a doe) which is a female goat.

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The capital one goat is an Alpine goat and the Aflac goat is a Nubian.

What is the Feminine gender of billy goat?

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What gender is a goat?

"Goat" is a generic term for the animal and refers to both genders. A male goat is called a "Billy Goat" and a female goat is called a "Nanny Goat". A young goat is called a "Kid".

How is goat useful to us?

selling goat milk, selling goat cheese, selling goat meat, and finally selling the goat