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Generally speaking, 401k's are protected from judgements.

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Q: Can a judgment be taken from your 401K account in Texas if that is all you have?
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401K Account?

form_title=401K Account form_header=Take control of your retirement. Secure your financial future with help from 401K. Do you already hold a 401K account?= () Yes () No Are you planning on leaving the money in your 401k account or do you want to roll it over to another account?= () Leaving Money In Account () Roll It Over To Another Account How much longer to plan on contributing to your 401K account?=_

Can you rollover an old 401k into an IRA account?

You can roll over a 401k account into your IRA account. This is cost effective and relatively easy.

What is the 401k rollover and what does it do?

A 401k is money in an account that has been contributed by you and established by your employer. When you leave that job, you can move the money to a new account which is called a 401k rollover.

What happens to my 401k account if I lost my job?

Your 401k account will get rolled over to your next employee if you lose your job.

Can foreclosure take a 401K?

Not directly. However, if there is a balance owed on the mortgage once the property has been sold, it is possible in some states for a judgment creditor to seize monies from the account. Please keep in mind that 401K is better protected from creditor judgment by ERISA than an IRA which makes it unlikely that seizure action would occur.

How would I open a 401k account?

A 401k is a employer sponsored retirement plan for small and large companies. You can visit sites like to apply for a 401k account.

What do I do with my 401k account?

If you had just quit your job and had invested in a 401k plan with them, you can leave your 401k in the account because finding another investment would leave you in a peril situation.

What is the best way to roll over a 401k account?

To avoid any penalties you should roll your 401k into an IRA account.

What kind of savings account is 401k?

A 401k is a retirement savings account which has very strict rules and regulations concerning deposits and withdrawals.

What penalties are there for emptying my 401k account?

If someone empties their 401k account before it reaches a certain level then there is a 10% penalty on the money in the account. There are some exceptions to this penalty.

How do I start a 401K account?

Most employers offer a 401K plan but you can also research banks that offer a good 401k plan.

Can you 401K be taken for unpaid medical bills?
