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Q: Can a mentally challenged 13 year old watch other children?
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Are left handed people mentally challenged?

No. In fact, people who are left handed tend to be more creative and smarter. Watch and see how many actors are left handed!

Is it good if you watch children?

watch children do what? If you are a parent or guardian, then it good if you watch your children. If you are not the parent or guardian and have no good reason to be watching children please seek help .

Why do adults watch adult shows and not cartoons?

Cartoons and children shows are a lot easier to understand they require less thought to understand them. Many adults look for something a bit more mentally or psychologically challenging. Add to that that there are some things that adults don't want children to see.

What is onlookers?

Onlooker play: child takes an interest in other children's play but does not join in. May ask questions or just talk to other children, but the main activity is simply to watch.

Why do kids act grown?

because they do what other kids do, and that is a bad influence. so parents watch your children.

What percent of all children watch the Simpsons?

The percentage of all children that watch The Simpsons is incalculable.

What is the law in Ontario Canada for leaving children home alone?

I beleive it is 10 by theriselves and being able to watch their siblings, and 11 where they can watch other kids. :)

What is the cheapest brand of children's watch?

According to a search on Watch Shop for children's watches, the cheapest brand of watch is Character, which produce a number of watches featuring popular children's characters.

How quickly do children learn to watch a video?

Children can watch a video from a very young age. Many toddlers watch videos aimed at young children to assist them in learning how basic animals, counting, words etc. Children do not need to learn how to watch a video, an adult simply has to set them up with something to watch and they will often watch it on their own.

What is looking on play?

Looking on play is when children watch carefully what other children do and may try to copy them. Children at this stage may stand on the edge of older children's games. observing other children can give a child confidence to try the same activity for themselves. This usually happens when children are around 3 years.

Cruise For Fun?

If you plan on taking a cruise with children, then try to find one that has games and an area where they can play. You won't have to watch them as intensely as you would on any other cruise because there would be other children as well.

how many children can 1 person watch under the age of 6?

The number of children that you can watch will be determined by the size of your location.