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For what is he wasn't required to pay?

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Q: Can a mother sue the father if he does not have to pay back child support from the last two years?
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If you are 24 years old and your mother is now receiving back child support from the father are you allowed to get the child support from the mother?

no it goes to the mother.

Can a mother come back to the father for child support after he has relinquished his parental rights eleven years ago?


Is a father legally obligated to pay for child support all the way through college?

The parent either mother or father is obligated to pay child support until that child/children turn 18 years old.

Can I a mother of an adult sue the father for child support?

If your child is 18 years of age or older, and considered an adult, then no you do not have any basis with which to sue the father for child support. That child is considered an adult by legal standards and not a dependent. Only for full-time dependents do you have any grounds for child support.

After 8 years my ex is now saying that i am the father of one of her kids?

You should have a DNA performed to determine if you are indeed the child's father. If you are the father, you can get visitation but you will also have to pay child support to the mother.

Your husband had an affair which produced a child his mother does not want the father to see him is he responsible for child support?

Yes, but she can wait up to 18 years to file for retroactive child support. see related question

If a child is fifteen years old and decides to live with their father who has been sending child support to the mother before is the mother now legally bond to send the support to the father?

First, the child does not have the right to make that decision, so the mother is not obligate to send the money. Only a court can approve the child can live there, than reverse the order. see links below

Can father go back after closing the case for child support after 4 years and reopen it and the mother pay all back child support when we came to agreements?

Yes, he can. If the father was the sole supporter of the child(ren) for 4 years without any contribution from the mother, the mother is responsible for her share of this time. Furthermore, any agreement and, in most states needs to be approved by a judge. In some cases the judge may decide that the amount of the agreement may not be enough to support the child(ren) solely based on the father's income.

If a 15-year-old moves to California to live with her mother after living with her 11-year-old brother and father for 4 years in Washington and her brother stays in WA how does child support work?

If your father was given total custody of you and your brother then he could go to court to get you back. However, (and you would have to ask your mother this) if your mother and father have joint custody (such as you or your brother seeing your mother on spring break or other holidays) then child support would continue as was instructed by the courts. If your father had total custody and your mother never saw you, then she could file for partial child support. I know it's confusing, but simply put, if your father doesn't pay your mother child support she should see at least Child Welfare regarding this matter and your father should be paying her some child support regarding you. Good luck hon Marcy

The child is now 15. What will happen to the father paying child support and back child support if you get back together after 15 years?

Petition the court for a modification. If the back support was for any state aid the mother was on, then it can't be forgiven. If it isn't for that, then the mother can write a letter saying she forgives the back support owed to her.

Can a father lose his rights if he doesn t see or support the child?

Not supporting at all if there is a child support order can mean he will end up in prison. Not seeing the child for a 1-2 years can mean the mother can apply to have his rights removed but the child support will stay.

Your daughters father was paying child support for 8 years then in July he stopped paying and no one knows where he moved to not even child support what do you do?

what do I do if my child's father is no where to be found what do I do if my child's father is no where to be found