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Yes. This is the process of asexual reproduction. Two examples are: when a starfish has one of it's points removed, cut off, or otherwise, un-attached, the dismembered point will then grow into a completely new starfish of the same species with the exact same D.N.A and genetic material as the parent starfish, because asexual reproduction passes the exact same genes off to the newborn. As opposed to sexual reproduction, like with humans. When we have a child, the genes are taken from half of one parent and half of the other to leave the actual genes up to chance, working from those that have come from the parent. My other example is that, once a bacterial organism has reached the stage at which to reproduce, the newborn will break off of the parent cell, in the famous process of multiplication among bacteria.

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It is called regeneration.

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Q: Can a new organism grow from part of the parent organism?
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In what does a new organism grow from just a part of the parent organism?

A cell.

In what does a new organism grows from just a part of the parent organism?

A cell.

A whole new organism can grow from just a piece of the parent in animals that have the ability to?

A whole new organism can grow from just one piece of the parent in animals that have the ability to asexually reproduce. This is reproduction with one parent.

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The hydra makes offspring by forming buds that break off and grow into new hydras like the parent.

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In sexual reproduction, organisms with a nucleus containing DNA take half their DNA from one parent and half their DNA from the other parent. Some of the DNA even gets mixed up in the process. The DNA provides the instructions telling the organism how to grow and develop. Since the DNA in the new organism is not like that of either parent, the new organism will not be like either parent.

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Budding is a characteristic of asexual reproduction, not sexual reproduction.

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What is the type of sexual reproduction in which an outgrowth from the parent organism forms a new organism?


What is the term to use for a new organism growing from just a part of the parent organism?

It is called budding. It is when a parent organism produces a bud like formation on it's body with it's genetic information. This happens in plants, sea sponges and some other organisms that reproduce asexually. Yes, this is a type of asexual reproduction. Meaning that a single parent organism is producing the offspring. There is no contribution from another organism, just one parent organism replicating it's traits so they can be passed on to their offspring.Another kind is called splicing. It is when you take a special kind of tape (the actual name of it slipped my mind) and you adhere the clipping of, say an orange plant to a lemon plant. It will grow off part of an organism, now made it's parent organism, but it will produce mixed fruits.There is also when a starfish loses it's body, and there is just an arm left. It can regenerate a new body, just like a lizard can regenerate it's tail!These are all types of asexual reproduction.

What is a tiny organism that is Able to grow into a new organism?

Stem cells

Type of reproduction when a new organism is produced that has hereditary material identical to the parent organism?

the answer is asexual