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Yes he can mean it, but can you know if they mean it? Simple answer yes and no. No because you cannot believe a pathological liar, ive meant a few, counseled one actually. Yes, love is not an emotion, its a choice. I can feel fuzzy for a gal but cheat on her, not open doors, not ask where she wants to eat. Real love is know by patience, meekness, preferring another, ect. You cannot know if they love you by barely knowing them, you need to really knowing them, a pretty decent length acquaintance, and I really think in person is best to tell if they are true. So by their actions, the little ones, you can tell if they really love you

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8y ago

Sometimes someones actions speak louder than their words. What your asking has soooo many variables. The best thing you can do is know what love is, and compare him to that standard. Let me give you some advice1. Have a good length of acquaintanceship before you get to far in this, maybe 3 months to a year, one of the biggest mistakes people make in relationships is getting in with someone, not knowing who they really are, than wishing they could get out

2. Is this person actions showing love, not an emotion, but true love, the choice. Are they patient, kind, forgiving, faithful, long suffering. And not just with you, but with there family, friends, ect. If not what makes you think they wont eventually get use to you and treat you the same

* Last bit of advice, be careful. In a relationship you want someone you can trust, is this someone you can trust, a pathological liar, you know them better than I do, best luck

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13y ago

Certainly. A pathological liar does not have to lie about everything. The problem is knowing which statement is true and which is a lie

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Q: Can a pathological liar ever mean it when he says i love you?
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Does a pathological liar try to blame others on a regular basis for their mistakes?

Truthfully, the answer to your question would depend. I hope this answer will help answer your question. At a certain point in a pathological liar's life, they will lie for no particular reason. They don't really try to lie, but rather, they need to try hard so that they DONT lie. Being a pathological liar is a "bad habit" that is created due to something in their childhood. When pathological liars are caught lieing, or even vaguely accused, they will often react in a remarkable way. They will often react in rage, saying this such as "I cant believe you would accuse me like that". However, some pathological liars react in shock such as ".... why would you say that?" When a pathological liar is caught lieing however, often they will in fact blame you, saying things like: "I can't believe your making me feel so bad over such a small thing" or "Why do you always have to criticize me". They will only blame you if you question something that they've said. So, in conclusion, if by mistakes you mean "Flaws in their lies" then usually yes. (Revised answer) For pathological liars, they will not try to blame others on a regular basis. Rather, that is one of the reactions a pathological liar will have when caught lieing. They will usually respond in shock, realizing that they were caught, or with anger by saying things like "Why do you have to make such a big deal out of it?". I suppose the second typical response could be considered as blaming.

How can you tell someone is a pathological liar?

AnswerA pathological liar is someone who often embellishes his or her stories in a way that he or she believes will impress people. Some think a pathological liar is different from a normal liar in that a pathological liar believes the lie he or she is telling to be true �at least in public� and is "playing" the role. It is not clear, however, that this is the case, and others hold that pathological liars know precisely what they are doing. Making up stories and at the same time believing them is known as confabulation. The term "pathological liar" is not an official clinical diagnosis however most psychiatrists agree that pathological lying is often the result of a mental disorder or low self-esteem. Pathological lying is often used in acting, since the actor or thespian must "lie" convincingly in order to make a great performance, whether it's in a play or in a movie. Quite often, most pathological liars may be actors, as in My Big Fat Obnoxious Fianc�e. Consequently, whether pathological lying is a mental disease is highly disputed. Pahtelogical liars usually turn to lying as a final resort like there is no other way to turn. Commonly pathelogic liars can make up the most obnoxious and silly lies that when someone approaches them about the lie they deny ever telling it. They may tell to different people the same story but add different lies to both, and sometimes when pathelogical liars get caught in a lying scheme they turn to more lies to dig out of the hole.

Does a pathological liar grossly distort facts or just make up lies tell and them as if they were telling the truth or is factual?

You can't tell if a pathological liar is lying. They are sociopaths and have learned to mimic the behavior of truth. I know! I lived with one of the most skillful highly functioning and respected lying professionals for 27 years. He fooled me and everyone around him and was considered a trusted upstanding citizen by all and still holds a place of power in his community. If you asked most people what they thought of him they would sing his praises.

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if you mean what the word liar is in dutch... That's leugenaar

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His love for you is unconditional and no one can EVER love a person as his love for you. Basically, he loves you, a lot.

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love always never hate

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A liar

What does liar mean?

a LIAR means a person that does not tell the truth about someone or something.

do pathological conditions affect homeostasis of the body?

If by pathological you mean "disease causing", then yes they would throw off the homeostatic condition of the body.

What does para siempre mi amore mean?

For ever my Love