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Immorality suggests licentious behaviour which is not in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice. In short - no.

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Q: Can a person be ethical but immoral?
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Is eavesdropping immoral or unethical when the conversation is about you?

That would depend on your own moral and ethical grounds. Personally i would say no.

Can an attorney be brought up on ethical charges or lose their license for immoral behavior in their personal life?

only if it involves a client

How do you use ethical in a sentence?

The word immoral is an adjective. The congregation listened as the minister denounced the immoral behavior so prevalent around the world.

Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Albert needs to be aware?

There are various legal and ethical issues which Albert (or anyone else) needs to be aware. For example, killing people is generally considered to be unlawful and immoral.

What is ethical opinion?

It is the conscious opinion of what a person believes to be ethical. Or morally right or wrong. It WILL vary from person to person.

What is moral conflict?

A moral conflict in a book is when a character can't decide what is right to do in the situation.

What is moral decadence of a person?

Moral decadence of a person refers to a decline in ethical values, integrity, and virtuous behavior. It can manifest in actions or attitudes that are considered unethical, immoral, or harmful to oneself or others. This may be influenced by various factors such as social environment, personal choices, or cultural norms.

Is the death penalty immoral?

The answer to that depends on the person you're asking. I, for one, think it's immoral. Killing someone is never the right answer. After all, maybe the person actually was innocent.

What is the ethical right?

There is no ethical right. The definition of ethics will change from person to person. With that being said, whatever youthink is right is ethically right.

How do personal and organizational ethics relate?

Ethics is essentially what is moral and what is immoral. Organizations are essentially run by people. So what the executives think is immoral translates into what th organization thinks is immoral. Personal ethics often translates into organizational ethics, which is often built into the corporate culture. For example, if the executives have very high standards, then the organization will also have very high ethical standards.

What is the word for a person who knows of an immoral act and does nothing to prevent it?

A disinterested bystander.

Do ethical companies only recruit ethical people?

Ethical companies make an effort to recruit ethical people but can only tell what a person's history indicates. There is no foolproof method for screening for integrity.