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I'd say yes since I have been stalked for the past 9 years. There is a fine line between serendipity and stalking.

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Q: Can a person have a obsession or compulsive disorder of people?
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What are some common symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder?

While the effects of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) vary from person to person, generally people with OCD suffer from increased anxiety while doing normal everyday tasks.

Is obsessive-compulsive disorder an inherited disorder not acquired?

A person can both inherit it or acquire it.

What is the name for a compulsive cleaner?

OCD - Obsessive cleaning disorder! Just kidding

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is it an addiction?

Obsessive Compulsive disorder is where a person has an obsession, which creates intruding thoughts in their minds which are uncomfortable. For example, an obsession with germs, and constant thoughts that lots of things are contaminated. The compulsion is a behaviour which is done in order to remove the obsessive thoughts, e.g. hand washing. Therefore, it is different to an addiction, yet the compulsions are very difficult to stop -which is similar to addiction, whereby the addictive behaviour is hard to stop. Addiction on the other hand may be due only to the physiological need for a chemical, such as nicotine, and does not necessarily have to be caused by an obsession, as OCD is.

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How can you recognize a person with obsessive compulsive disorder?

Simple answer. Because they are compulsively obsessive about everything!

What is the medical name for a person who is unable to throw anything away?

Answer: Hoarding...The condition is called Compulsive Hoarding Disorder. It's a form of OCD and it is treatable. Specialized therapy and medications can sometimes help. Compulsive hoarding is a serious medical condition and mental disorder. While it is treatable, people with compulsive hoarding are often suffering, especially when it's severe. See the related links for more information on compulsive pathological hoarding.

Is there a term for a person who likes things to be right?

type A personality or try ocd (over compulsive disorder)

Illness when person has to keep every thing new?

this is NOT an illness, it is a compulsive disorder that can be controlled with the aid of a therapist

What is the difference between compulsive behavior and being obsessed?

An obsession is continual preoccupation with a person, place, thing, or activity. Compulsion is a powerful emotional urge to do a particular thing, usually repetitively. Obsessive-Compulsive disorder stems from those two words, and involves preoccupation and action, taken together.

What psychology exists in a superstitious person?

Superstitious people are said to just simply have a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder upon which the person has to perform certain tasks to lay their mind at rest of the superstitions they have.

What are some symptoms of a person that suffers from a compulsive overeating disorder?

Symptoms of compulsive overeating disorder include frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating where the person feels out of control. Compulsive overeaters will eat even past the point when they are comfortably full. Much of their thought is about food and they may fantasize about eating alone. Bingeing is usually followed by guilt and depressed thoughts.