

Can a pregnancy happen a week before the period is due?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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you really can get pregnant at any given time even if your on your period its rare but can happen...

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Q: Can a pregnancy happen a week before the period is due?
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How early can a pregnancy test tell your pregnant?

mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..

Can you be pregnant if you miss your period and your test is negative and youwere on your period and had sex?

You can get pregnant a week before your period, the week of your period, and the week after your period, and some pregnancy tests are faulty.

At what time does the body prepare for pregnancy?

a week before your missed period

Can you experience pregnancy symptoms one week before a missed period?

It is unlikely

Are you having early pregnancy symptoms if you have had cramping on your left side about a week after ovulation and your nipples have been hard and sensitive?

Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as the day of conception, if it is a week before your period there are tests you can take a week before your period that will tell you if you are pregnant or not but a definite sign is a missed period.

1 week before the period 1 week after the period is it safe period to avoid the pregnancy?

A week before, you are generally ovulating wich is when you have the HIGHEST chance of getting pregnant.. a week after is the safest but that dosent mean ANYTHING.. take the precautions necessary to avoid any kind of problems.. wich is not JUST pregnancy.. be safe! Cheers

Can a blood pregnancy test done one week before the period be negative and woman showing signs of pregnancy?

If you are not pregnant, yes.

Can a pregnancy test detect pregnancy if you got pregnant a week before your period?

A home pregnancy test can detect the pregnancy hormone starting around 10 days after conception.

When do your breast hurt before your period?

My breast typically hurt about a week or so before my period is due, but i have heard that swollen or tender breast can be signs of pregnancy.

If you had unprotected sex a week before your period and had your period could you be pregrant?

Probably not as the uterine wall breaks down if a pregnancy does not occur and the subsequent period. However there are some women who have a light period the first month of pregnancy.

Is cramping a week and a half before your period normal or does that mean possible pregnancy even if you haven't had sex?


Will a pregnancy test show that your pregnancy a week before your period?

No. That strip test becomes positive, usually After 7 days of menses and morning sample is to be used.(As urine is concentrated.) There are other tests witch can tell about pregnancy, a week before menses but are expensive.