

Can a tornado strike twice in one place?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Yes. When a tornado hits a location it does not change the chances of it getting hit again.

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Why does lightning not strike twice in one place?

I see no reason why it should not strike twice in one place. This sounds more like an unconfirmed rumor than a scientific fact.

Why doesn't lighting strike the place twice?

Lightning can (and sometimes does) strike twice in the same place. it usually strikes three times in the same place it just apears to be one.

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It is impossible to make long-term predictions about where one when a tornado will strike.

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What are the chances of a tornado striking same place more than once?

That depends on the frequency of tornadoes in the area and the period of time you are talking about. You are a lot more likely to see two tornadoes hit the same place if you watch it for a century than if you watch it for only a year. On the whole it is very unlikely for any given spot to be hit twice in a person's lifetime. That being said, the "lightning never strike twice" rule does not apply. Getting hit by one tornado does not mean you are less likely to be hit by another.

Is there going to be a tornado in monkey junction?

It is possible that one will strike there eventually, but it is impossible to say for certain.

Why people should not live near tornado?

You can't exacly live near a tornado. A tornado is a short-lived event, usually lasting no more than a few minutes and it is impossible to predict exactly where one one strike.

What does this idiom mean lightning doesn't strike the same place twice?

This isn't an idiom because it means exactly what it says. It is an old saying or proverb. Lightning doesn't seem to strike twice in any one spot, so people say that when they hope that something horrible isn't going to happen again.

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A thunderstorm does not strike anything, it is "lightening" that does that.

Where did tornado Madeline strike?

There was never a "tornado Madeline" as tornadoes are not given names like hurricanes are.Hurricane Madeline occurred in 1976 one the southern Pacific coast of Mexico.

One of the best places to seek protection during a tornado is?

The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.